12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp - Mystery Meat Grow

@Greenthumbs256 we are all here to help each other, at the same time I don't want to get too far off track from the chosen topic of this thread. Everyone, please try to keep the majority of our posts about Past, Present and Future solo cup grows.
your right man, my bad I get carried away sometimes, well alot of times! honestly I just really love what I do, and I get excited, and sometimes I forget most ppl, don't really give 2 shits about what I have to say! that's my bad. I've Been trying to work on not hyjacking ppls threads and just going crazy, although I've gotten a lot better, I still have a lot to work on! and that's my bad I apologize! also since most of my insane week is done and over with, and most things are handled, I'll try to get back and stay on topic!

just wanna apologize to everyone, I am working on trying to stop doing that, I do it on every dam thread I'm on, and I'm sorry, I'll work a tad harder on it! but I am sorry to everyone! hope you guys can forgive me!

on another note I appreciate all you guys that have put up with my crap, and haven't blocked me yet! you guys are the real mvps! lol I do appreciate it tho, it's possible I'm the most blocked person on r.i.u. that's actually not a troll lol!
OK getting things back on track!

well sadly my ladies are not doing 100% right now, and I take full responsibility for this! as some of you know, I've been handed one issue after another! hasn't been my best week by far!

also I had just watered them right before the pic, which explains the droppy looking babies! I'm sure now that things are back on track, I'll have them praying in a few days! just figured I'd share! can't say I'm super proud of them right now, but like I said I take 100% responsibility for their health! I don't not think it has anything to do with the genetics, just happens to be the hand I was delt, this week!

also would like to come clean and mention, bc of my issues, I've kinda broke the 12/12 rule it wasn't intentional! but had light leaks after my ac broke! I hope this won't disqualify me! as stated it wasn't intentional! CM190209-190259013.jpg
Ok contestants weigh in on our little mishap by Greenthumbs256. In a earlier post he had discovered some light leaks In his 12/12 solo cup space. Please cast a vote in wether or not he violated the rules of the comp and should be disqualified. please vote today.

@Way2-High would you please pick next weeks word for us?
do I get to vote... lol

at least I was honest, lol Come on guys that's gotta count for something!
Since this is getting resolved by vote, like J said certain things would if the need came.
I vote he stays in, as long as there's no evidence that his misshap gave him an extended period of growth, ie. (extended period of growth before showing sex).
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Since this is getting resolved by vote, like J said certain things would if the need came.
I vote he stays in, as long as there's no evidence that his misshap gave him an extended period of growth, ie. (extended period of growth before showing sex).
thanks guys, but considering the cups, are sitting next to my massive gg4, that's done in about 2-3 weeks trust me when I say, I did everything I could to fix that leak asap! I don't think it helped in any way! and it seems that it maybe too early to really affect her starting flower, I could be wrong, but I don't think any of us will see the first pistol for another 3 weeks, and as we all know, flower usually take about 2 weeks to swap from veg to flower, and start throwing pistols! just my opinion, if anything I think it may have hurt me bc of stress! I could be wrong tho! wouldn't be the first time!
Ok contestants weigh in on our little mishap by Greenthumbs256. In a earlier post he had discovered some light leaks In his 12/12 solo cup space. Please cast a vote in wether or not he violated the rules of the comp and should be disqualified. please vote today.

@Way2-High would you please pick next weeks word for us?

I say it was an honest accident and I vote he’s still in.
Word for this week is, Female.
thanks guys!

that makes 5 votes stay - zero to get the boot!

I believe we have 15 ppl that can vote, minus myself? so I'd need what 8 for the majority?

also jj's vote? unless he is opting out of the voting, then I'd need 7 for the majority right?