Update for 8/3:
All 6 original seeds (at least I think original seeds... you see, there was this time when I dropped a seed and it took me 15 minutes to find it. I'm 99% sure it was the right one, there are no other seeds in the grow space. Either way it hadn't germed for 48 hours, then after being dropped, cleaned and resoaked in a towel it too) germed. Unfortunately I had taken the precaution of non-viable seeds and started trying to germ the ugliest worst White Siberian seed I had. I figured I had low chances on both, so maybe odds were I'd get one. Well. I got 7. The tiny deformed seed sprouted today. Checked it tonight and the taproot was an inch long. Into rockwool surrounded by hydroton in a party cup it went.
I have a real estate appraiser coming monday so I can't install my bubble buckets until then. I guess I'll take the best 6 and flower them. I may just trim the 7th bonsai style and flower it in the CFL chamber. Let's see what 100W of CFL can REALLY do lol. It would have to be 12" tall and 24" square. You'll see.
My old printer stand.. looks harmless enough. It holds junk now.

Junk like:

Some 6" duct, a $6 4" desk fan from wal mart shoved and taped into the end = cheap and easy exhaust.

The wiring leads to a single cord that plugs into a digital timer set to 12/12.
This is where I am now. 5 of hese are about 1-2 days out of the towel and into the rockwool. One was planted late last night and one today.
Oh and I have 6 buckets.. maybe hempy the 7th if I can't find a home for it.. or kill it.