12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
you have a bit of rep coming micro - your keeping up your log pretty good
one more trick for keeping a valued femme going is reveg, cut off the bud you want and leave a bit
turn your light schedule back to 18/6 and a reborn female will happen(usually)
it's a time consuming process though, so useful if space is at a premium


Well-Known Member
as long as you have timers for each separate box (veg, mother, flower), then you are str8... or if you wanna do what i did and just use the same box the whole way out... then that would work too... you just cant really have a perpetual garden from just one box.... correction... i guess you could, you would just have to light proof each divided section... then i guess you could have yourself a all in one... but with a box that big, it wouldnt really be stealth or micro anymore... with separate boxes for each stage, you can have the boxes spread out throughout your whole house, instead of a "i have a grow room" type deal... for us "illegals"... it is safer and wiser to not over do our grows... place a limit on how big, and not " how big can i go" sorta thing... control your grow and dont let it control you...lol... send me a link when you start your grow.. i will watch and give advice to the best of my knowledge... scouts honor... stay safe and green, and by god.... dont get caught...good growing to ya... omega


Well-Known Member
thaks for the rep and revegging was def. something i wanted to look into when the time gets right... lol.. its getting close if i want to smoke on thanksgiving... next time i will not limit my grow with a date of harvest...

this plant would be pretty sweet looking if it were revegged due to my lsting of it... what happens to the buds i decide to leave? are they smokable after a certain point of revegging??? i guess this is one of the many things i have to learn to up my growing skills... some want ninja skills, i want grower skills...


Well-Known Member
well... i have decided to be token freddy krueger tomorrow... should be fun... also... i was a lil impatient last night and pinched my smallest bud out... the calyxes were full of trichromes and figure it would be a good test bud... well... i was fucking baked... it had a nice sativa stoned... i felt it in my eyes... like the bulging eyeball feeling... it had a strange deisel taste to it... pretty fucking good if ya ask me... i know that by the time i harvest, i will prolly end up with more of a couchlock stoned... which is really what i am wanting it to be... but yeah... it was good and i cant wait till i harvest... well, i can, but i know it will be amazing... so i am sorta impressed with how stoned i got off of immature schwag bagseed bud... i guess the biggest secret is to keep it sensi... and it WILL be better... anyways.. i'll comment back when i see some more comments... i think i have some piks from last nite i will upload... let me see if i can find them...


Well-Known Member
i thought i had a good camera... apparently not good enough to see trichromes up close... with the naked eye, i can see the ones on the calyxes getting a lil milky... i am hoping they will be amber in two weeks... i guess we will see... but yeah... here are the piks... opinions on my harvest date will be considered however, the longer it grows, the less curing time i will have... me harvesting on the 12th will ave been a full 8 weeks of growing in its flowering stage... i would like to let it go longer, but i sorta want to clear out some room in my box and start working on some new projects... like topping, cloning, and some heavy LSTing... we will see what the future holds, right?



Active Member
looks like you might have a trace nute defficency, if you can grab a bottle of schultz 10-15-10 with micro nutes and give its about 3 drops with the next watering, that should bring the yellow back to green and make the little girl happy.


Well-Known Member
microgrower, more than 2 weeks would probably be better, but understand that moving forward has advantages
you'll have a 1st grow under your belt, 2nd grow will build from 1st


Well-Known Member
Sick tiny grow bro. I had a tiny one going in a box til it maled out on me man. Its disgruntleing but once you get a lady it all starts paying off.

If you have time feel free to stop by my grow I'm gunna be updating later today when my lights on.

PCE son + rep for the awesome tiny plant.


Well-Known Member
When you reveg a plant, you harvest most of the bud, but you leave 3-5 popcorn nugs behind...about 20% of your buds. You basically sacrifice these to the weed gods, you won't get them back. Given some time under veg lighting, they should stop flowering and start sending out odd leaves. Single bladed, funny curls...these first reveg leaves won't look right at all. But don't worry, your plant just needs time and love and those leaves will start coming out normal. And remember that vegging plants need Nitrogen...your baby will want to yellow up during reveg. Once the leaves are looking right, you're ready to take some clones or put it back into flowering. It's faster to work from seeds or clones...but if you have some genetics you're eager to save, revegging works. Check my "New Grow" link in my sig...my last couple of posts show a few pics of some of my revegging plants.


Well-Known Member
well let's see... i have decided to be space ghost... he seems like more of a stoner than freddy krueger... so yup.. that is who iam going to be...

wowisuckatthis... i went to get some nutes from wal mart the other day, and they had already put ALL the gardening stuff up... i really do wonder why they put the christmas shit out this early, but oh well... not my store...lol.. but yeah i agree... i was really wanting to get some superthrive, but no luck due to winter... i guess they dont suppose there will be any winter growers of anything... but thanks for the advice and when i can get some stuff i will... most of my nutes i have now are high in nitrogen so that should be enough when i start to reveg this plant anyways...

yeah growone... that is how i am looking at it... being i will probably (95% sure) reveg this one, and i only have one timer for now, i need to revert my box back to vegging if i want some close to new year's smoke... i am not setting my next harvest date this soon.. i figure i will def. harvest after new years if need be... i just want it to be around then... this strain flowers fairly quick... smokable in 8 weeks flowering, ripe in about 10... we'll see... i realy want to have this strain dialed in for my first attempt at breeding in the upcoming months... basically, i just want to smoke something know one else has smoked before... hence me creating my own strain... i think i will prolly bring in a really dominant indica in to breed first... but that is way down the line... dont want to give any of my ideas up just yet, so stick around and you will see where my "skills" take me...

skunkybud... thanks for the comment and the rep.. i appreciate it... i know what you mean about going male and females paying off... they just seem like the impossible dream till you end up with one, and then your like hell yeah... i knew i started this shit for a reason...lol... i will stop by your thread in a sec... i'll post a comment and some rep for ya when i do...

budweaver, bud weaver, budweaver (like marsha, marsha, marsha...lol...)... it took awhile, but ifinally found a thread last nite on revegging... i learned alot... 24/0 light cycle for he first little bit till new growth, 18/6 once it starts getting visible growth... wait till leaves are 5 blades, take clones, or reflower...its gonna be pretty sweet looking once i reveg it due to my prior LSTing... my plant is shaped like a "L" my cola is on the vertical growth and my 3 popcorn buds are on the horizontal part... so yeah, i know i will have at least 3 main tops this time around that plant once i flower it... i will prolly just use it for clones till i am ready to flower it though... i also read about root trimming and changing out soil due to previous nute build up... start over with clean soil and it will make a dif... from what i have read at least... and the great thing about me using it as a mother is that if i want, i can keep it under 24/0 and for that, i need no timer at all... just some thoughts... every creation starts with an idea, so that is what i have going on in my head...

i made a newb mistake last nite... went to take piktures and realized that my memory card was stuck in my laptop at work... lol... sux, but i guess when i update, ye shall see a more noticable dif right? anyways, happy halloween and stay safely stoned... ghost and ghouls are out tonite (and god knows what drugs they may be using.... like alcohol and heroin and maybe a lil PCP...)... what monsters...lol...

i will be responding to any new post throughout the day if you guys have any questions or comments... thanks RIU... thanks


Well-Known Member
well let's see... halloween is apparently killing the threads for the evening... thought i would get some more post and comments, but not tonite... which is cool, because it is a holiday and all and people like this one alot... anyways, i will be back on here tuesday to answer any questions or acknowledge some suggestions some of you guys may have for me... but till then, goodnite and happy holidays!!!


Well-Known Member
I never trim my roots or change soil. My girls are planted from seed and veg/flower/veg/flower in the same soil til it dies in reveg. People make it more complicated then they need to. I also don't throw out soil, it goes into the compost heap...mother nature doesn't throw out soil and change it every grow, why should I?


Well-Known Member
tru dat budweaver.. i guess i'll never know til i try right? thanx homie and keep it real.. aslo watch for my update.. i got plenty of piks from this weekend... i also "upgraded" my box... almost 70watts of cfl...lol... its sik shit homie...


Well-Known Member
well... title is pretty self explanatory... lots of canniporn...



Well-Known Member
i tried pushing my box to a total of 70 watts... wouldnt work since my fifteen watt bulb wouldnt fit... so i opted adding two 13watt cfl's and that is what i did... i made a new mount for my 42 watt... so 42 plus 13 plus 13 equals.... 68 muh fuckin watts nuccah!!!!



Well-Known Member
btw, all bulbs in my box are 2700k...

so yeah, checked on my baby this morning and noticed my fans leaves are curling UP and dying... i am not really sure if it is the heat of the new bulb combination... my temps now run at about 82-84... i dont believe that this is too hot, but it may be... i also remember reading somewhere that towards the end of flowering the plants will use the last of the nutrients in the plant... thinking now... this plant has been under 12/12 for about 11 weeks... being i did 12/12 from seed... i really dont consider it "flowering" till it shows sex, but technically... it has been a lil longer than my flowering start day... u guys decide... anyways... let me know what you guys think about my fan leaves please... i am thinking that my harvest date is looking better and better...



Well-Known Member
so yeah... i put this seed in this cup last thursday nite... it has sprouted... it still has its shell... being my germ rate in soil is personally better than the paper towel method, i am going to put a new cup and seed in every two weeks... i will prolly keep veggin them till i find a strong mother... flower what i have vegging... then work on cloning perpetually... we'll see how it all goes...



Well-Known Member
if your fans are curling up and forming a 'cup', red flag - too hot!
measuring temps can be tricky, there may be layers of hot air inside


Well-Known Member
that is what i figured... i am working on a way to push a lot cooler air inside and a lot more of it... i will be sure to let ya know how it goes.. i was running with a dust filter for my intake and a carbon filter for my exhaust... i think these two filters were not letting enough air in... like isaid... if this doesnt fix, i am working on a way to get alot of air moving in there...