12/12 does it matter if its a few mins off?

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
Ok so my timer runs slightly slow due to power outages and ups going on and off (either that or timer is just bust) so was wondering if it makes any diff if say my 12/12 is a few mins off each say say 5-10 mins variation not any more.

Basically like today lights went on at 12.04pm and went off around 11.50 - 11.55. Is that ok considering that in nature its never an exact 12/12 it changes a few mins daily so am i right in assuming this will have no negative effects.

P.s ordering a new timer


Well-Known Member
my timer is off by about 20minutes too long in 12/12. its not going to drastically harm your plant, as a matter of fact it should not affect it. on my case, my flowering period is probably going to take a week or two longer. just be more concerned about light leaks.


Well-Known Member
Nah. I just made my plants wake up 20min early so i can go to sleep already. Had to re-position them and water.


Rebel From The North
I have a slight difference in the time by 10min and I cant say Ive noticed a problem or it taking longer to flower.

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys puts my mind at ease, no light leaks whatsoever i can confirm.

Im just being anal coz as i say in nature the hours are not exact and change by a min or two daily. Plants r doing great anyway


Well-Known Member
plants will in time amaze you what they can withstand. and in time you will see what stress causes what Loss of yield or whatever. but Imo, only a pro will know the difference. I personally am happy with anything I grow.


Well-Known Member
in nature the plants dont get the same amount of light all the time, the days get longer and shorter as the season progresses. it doesnt always get bright outside at the same exact time, i'd be very surprised if this would do any real damage.


Active Member
agreed mine r always off by 5 to 15 min.cant never keep them damn timers right on the money. just keep an eye on em and try not to go over 15 min


Well-Known Member
In my garden, one comes on 30 min early, one go's off 30 min late, others come on right on time, meh not a biggie. Its like simulating sunrise and sunset.


yeah it's not that big of a deal, mine are off by about 15 min....now if your off by a couple of hours thats a different problem...lol

lvl i k e y

Active Member
On the back of my timer it even tells me that it comes on 15 min before and after set times. which is weird but so far it hasnt really seemed to effect my outcome so far. Could just be your timer.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one else suggested this yet, but if your timer is that whacked, I'd replace it before it totally screwed me on a crop. There is no telling if it will even turn on or off sooner or later.... it can't even keep time. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one else suggested this yet, but if your timer is that whacked, I'd replace it before it totally screwed me on a crop. There is no telling if it will even turn on or off sooner or later.... it can't even keep time. :)
that or a lot of timers have a feature that cuts them off and on at random times, like 15 minutes one way or the other of the set points. this is so when crooks are staking out houses to rob, they looked lived in by the lights coming on and off at different times.

but serapis is right, if your timer is not cutting on and off like you have told it too, look into a replacement. us growers put a lot of trust into that little timer, and if you came home from work at the 10 hour of the lights supposed to be on, and they are off, you may be upset. and if you dont check your plants for a couple days and the light happened to stick on, then you may have a nasty site to see when you check on them.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one else suggested this yet, but if your timer is that whacked, I'd replace it before it totally screwed me on a crop. There is no telling if it will even turn on or off sooner or later.... it can't even keep time. :)
thats cuz he said a new one was on the way/about to be ordered.

"P.s ordering a new timer "

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I'm surprised no one else suggested this yet, but if your timer is that whacked, I'd replace it before it totally screwed me on a crop. There is no telling if it will even turn on or off sooner or later.... it can't even keep time. :)

Some timers are made like this. Like i said in my post earlier, my timer states on the back of it that it comes on 15 min before and after its set. My lights come on at 5:10pm and go off at 5:15am, i know its not 15 min after when they come on but its like that to the second, everyday. on the second. How big of a difference is it really going to make?


Well-Known Member
Some of them are not digital so its hard to get the time on the Dot so no worries im just thinking about my power going out for a few days because this wind is WHACK

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I have been wanting to get a digital timer i can plug a few more things into. What kind of timer do you have since obviously there are lots of timers that do what mine do. and in the future i want one that will work at the exact time i set.


Well-Known Member
I have been wanting to get a digital timer i can plug a few more things into. What kind of timer do you have since obviously there are lots of timers that do what mine do. and in the future i want one that will work at the exact time i set.
plug a power strip or multi-outlet adapter into your timer. If you are running a HID light, be cautious of doing anything like this.


Well-Known Member
I dont use a digital personally. the one i have is awesome as hell, has 8 sockets,4 that are always on for like fans and pumps and shit and 4 that follow the timer, its also heavy duty and can support 3-4 400w hps w/o any problems. its rated for 1825w. although for some reason on the site they say "(do not exceed 1725 watts)." on the back of mine it says quite clearly says 1825w.
I love mine and would highly suggest it.