12/12 Cfl Saucecup grow


Well-Known Member
"SICC";3719861 said:
subscribed, your shot glass is doin better then mine :)
gee, thanks. the soil is not MG I'm pretty sure, I guess i'll ask my chick.. her mom has a big ass greenhouse so she just grabbed some of their freshest, fanciest looking bag's. I think it has time release nutes, and I have done nothing to my 3 babes but water daily(they suck down a lot) and mist them with water in the morning and sometimes afternoon. you can tell if you look, these all have leaves that have been burnt crispy yellow/brown by the lights.. the shot was like that a long while and just recently grew two nodes.. i'll be transplanting it into a bigger container if it keeps vegging past my flowering one now.. not enough room for three decent sized plants..speaking of, anyone reading this, if you've used a pc case can you tell me how to remove the rivets that fasten the cd/hdd/floppy shelves to the case without damaging them.. I'm keeping to comp pieces it's in good shape just couldn't find a junk one from anyone, and BOY did I ask. thanks. reed.


Well-Known Member
babes lookin good. Aaliyah is a confirmed lady, getting hairier everyday. Janis, my first real lst attempt is doing very well.. too well actually considering the space. she's taken to the lst and has nodal branches at each node. I've read that boys grow really quickly so hopefully my growth is attributed to better conditions and not balls. Farrah is expected to stunt and she may eventually get a big pot as they like being rewarded but I'd like to harvest for the Shot glass grow.. if you haven't checked that do so, search it on another engine.. i'll have pics up by the end of the week! week 6/5 I believe!f


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, i still need to upload my shot lass pics, just haven't got around to it yet :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
2.5 oz grow? Gotta watch! Im not one to bring negativity. I do have to add that, the diaper box isnt good. I bought a $7 rubbermaid, not the totes, the ones bout the size of the diaper box. I drilled holes in the top, threaded my light cord threw. Then used a washer to keep the lights attached. I used it for 2 yrs for my clones. Jus sayin, cardboard+heat= not good:) subscribed!


Well-Known Member
2.5 oz grow? Gotta watch! Im not one to bring negativity. I do have to add that, the diaper box isnt good. I bought a $7 rubbermaid, not the totes, the ones bout the size of the diaper box. I drilled holes in the top, threaded my light cord threw. Then used a washer to keep the lights attached. I used it for 2 yrs for my clones. Jus sayin, cardboard+heat= not good:) subscribed!
haha thanks man. the "2.5 oz" thing, I have no idea how big the saucecup is, but i believe it's more than that. I guesstimated poorly, but that's alright. the cardboard has been replaced for weeks now. I'm using a comp case. I had to, for space and because yeah that cardboard made it about 90 inside with nowhere to put fans. temps with fans and lights on are about 80. 60 when it's 40 out. I'm actually looking to make the case better.. anyone with tips on how to take the hardware shelf out appreciated


Well-Known Member
hey guys the saucecup is doing just fine. Janis. my biggest turn out to be a Jan. said like 'Yan' which is, of of course male. I got rid of it for sake of space and transplanted Aaliyah into his pot. Farrah(shot grow) is still alive, short, and on node seven. I SAW PREFLOWERS TODAY. haha I can believe she's actually oing to produce. I'm debating on transplanting her so she gets bigger but I'm in the official RIU shot glass grow contest.. check it out if you can i'll update pics when I can. puhease


Well-Known Member
Loving you style Ireaddd. I didnt realise that i had commented before until i saw my ugly avatar. Think it was a good move getting rid of the cardboard. I look forward to the progress. Subscribing.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, the babes are doing pretty good, not very fruitful but very pleasing to look upon. since i've gotten a few of you paying attention now I guess I'm obliged to post pics so i'll try to tomorrow. hope you've all had a good week. reed


Well-Known Member
I know i've been lazy getting on to load pics.. they're all uploaded online I just have to sit down and do it one of these days.. I do most of this from my phone so it's a long and irritating process. aaliyah's on week 11, about 2 weeks left now. I started three others in 6oz yogurt cups and Farah is the same size with no bud but crystals on the leaves.. not enough love I guess. the leaves on aaliyah started purpling one day, and I realized it was only where the light was hitting so I moved it to make sure they weren't burns.. I think they're just getting to that time.. bottom branches have fallen off and I didn't cut the stalk buds off like I should have so bud growth is spread out. i'll put up pics when I can.. here's some recent ones of aaliyah,



Well-Known Member
dang she's been flowering for 11 weeks? seems like she got really stunted or something, how many total watts do you have?


Well-Known Member
"SICC";3879769 said:
dang she's been flowering for 11 weeks? seems like she got really stunted or something, how many total watts do you have?
Not very many at all. 40w. this is on 12/12 and it was completely rootbound when it started showing flowers, so I transplanted. these are all factors in making it stunted and see as this is my first plant to make it past a month I'm very appreciative. the buds really crystally and about an inch wide from the bottom of the main cola to almost the top. also the lack of leaves is due to the soil or just age, every few weeks since bud started forming it's dropped off a branch from the bottom going to the top. i'm definetly upgrading lighting next time, but these will do good around the house :P


Well-Known Member
I dunno man there are still plenty of milky hairs but there are about 25% amber.. two more weeks sounds alright to me. we'll see. thanks for following the thread. man. It's not much but it'll do. my first.


Well-Known Member
ireaddd i think for 40w of cfls that is a great result. I would be really happy with it and i am sure your next will be rockin. Looing forward to seeing it finish.


Well-Known Member
ireaddd i think for 40w of cfls that is a great result. I would be really happy with it and i am sure your next will be rockin. Looing forward to seeing it finish.
thanks for the positive feedback mate, i'll be sure to check out some of your threads. --also, if you're interested in other photos I haven't put up there are about half of the ones I've taken posted on photobucket, if you know how to follow the picture url back to the album you can find them that way. siqbudz is my photobucket name as well if you're not too baked to switch sites for a moment. cheers