12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

I have read the thread. It just isn't logical, also your explanation has not helped.

if you want to save electricity then why not just veg on 18/6 or 20/4 or 22/2? the reason why people veg on 24/0 is because of faster cell division, real growth. taking away an hour of light will serve to lower that cell division. Meaning less real growth, meaning the longer it will take the plant to reach maturity. giving the plant 1 hour of darkness every 12 hours is just silly and pointless.

My question in this thread have not been answered satisfactorily enough. to save electricity? that's an old argument for why 18/6 is better than 24/0 and it's complete bollocks. you are not saving electricity.... as the plants will take longer to mature. where does the lot of money come into it?

I cannot believe an old argument like that is, what appears to be, your only reason for 12/1.
May not be logical, but it works. I could give two squirts of piss how you do your fucking grow. Run your shit 24 hrs if you want. Prove that it does not save electricity and I will listen to you. If you cannot figure out that running your lights 13 hrs saves more electricity than running them 18 or 24 hrs, than you should go back to school. I'm sure the short bus still has room for you. Like I said, I did not make this schedule up, I am just showing that it works. Until you can prove otherwise, STFU. And if you think running your lights 24 hrs will make your plants grow faster than 18/6, I will say you are not well educated. Run your electricity as much as you want, I don't give a flying fuck. But if you start a grow, try and make sure you don't have to shut it down. Do some research, go back to school, and respect your elders.
I have read the thread. It just isn't logical, also your explanation has not helped.

if you want to save electricity then why not just veg on 18/6 or 20/4 or 22/2? the reason why people veg on 24/0 is because of faster cell division, real growth. taking away an hour of light will serve to lower that cell division. Meaning less real growth, meaning the longer it will take the plant to reach maturity. giving the plant 1 hour of darkness every 12 hours is just silly and pointless.

My question in this thread have not been answered satisfactorily enough. to save electricity? that's an old argument for why 18/6 is better than 24/0 and it's complete bollocks. you are not saving electricity.... as the plants will take longer to mature. where does the lot of money come into it?

I cannot believe an old argument like that is, what appears to be, your only reason for 12/1.

One of the problems I've always had is over growth during veg. My clones grow 8-10 weeks while my fruit room grows. We only have so much light penetration. My plants are shorter, bushier, the foliage is denser than with 18-6. Besides the electricity savings.
One of the problems I've always had is over growth during veg. My clones grow 8-10 weeks while my fruit room grows. We only have so much light penetration. My plants are shorter, bushier, the foliage is denser than with 18-6. Besides the electricity savings.

OK, thank you for the sensible post. too many children at this forum, makes it difficult to communicate properly.

surely this is similar to 23/1? your plants are bushier because you are giving them more light than on 18/6. plants stretch in the dark, due to auxin hormones. If you were to use 24/0 then the plants would stay even squatter. as you are growing clones they are already mature so you don't need to think about maturity, however as plants have better cell division (meaning actual growth) while the lights are on this means that if you use 24/0 you could flower your clones quicker, so the saving on electricity is nulled. so essentially 12/1 is not so dis-similar to any other short dark spell during veg. If you really want to keep your plants squatter and then 24/0 is the best way to go... or even 23/1. play around with 12/1 if you like it makes no difference. I cannot see the point.
OK, thank you for the sensible post. too many children at this forum, makes it difficult to communicate properly.

surely this is similar to 23/1? your plants are bushier because you are giving them more light than on 18/6. plants stretch in the dark, due to auxin hormones. If you were to use 24/0 then the plants would stay even squatter. as you are growing clones they are already mature so you don't need to think about maturity, however as plants have better cell division (meaning actual growth) while the lights are on this means that if you use 24/0 you could flower your clones quicker, so the saving on electricity is nulled. so essentially 12/1 is not so dis-similar to any other short dark spell during veg. If you really want to keep your plants squatter and then 24/0 is the best way to go... or even 23/1. play around with 12/1 if you like it makes no difference. I cannot see the point.

As I said my plants are smaller and bushier using the 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off. Bushier than 24-0 or 18-6. Thats what the article said to expect and thats what I've got.
As I said my plants are smaller and bushier using the 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off. Bushier than 24-0 or 18-6. Thats what the article said to expect and thats what I've got.

Did the article explain how a plant can stretch less using dark hours?
Did the article explain how a plant can stretch less using dark hours?

Here are the links I posted previously.

http://www.treatingyourself.com/trea...fs/issue28.pdf, page 84

http://www.treatingyourself.com/trea...fs/issue25.pdf, page 77

I'm no authority. I saw an opportunity to apply more lights in the summer heat. It worked for me.

I think the whole think is that the extended light (1 hour) in the middle of darkness interrupts the dark cycle. In doing so it interrupt growth that takes place during the dark.
edit * guy above posted a link to the article i was thinking of. i think its a good way to save energy but i will stick to the easy way.
Here are the links I posted previously.

http://www.treatingyourself.com/trea...fs/issue28.pdf, page 84

http://www.treatingyourself.com/trea...fs/issue25.pdf, page 77

I'm no authority. I saw an opportunity to apply more lights in the summer heat. It worked for me.

I think the whole think is that the extended light (1 hour) in the middle of darkness interrupts the dark cycle. In doing so it interrupt growth that takes place during the dark.

i don't understand where the extended light comes from? the links are not working for me on this browser, 404 error... latest FF.

how can you have extended light hours using 12/1?

24/0 is the best to keep plants squat... there is just no way giving a plant an hour of darkness will not have an effect on the auxin hormones that make plants stretch. interrupts growth that takes place during the dark? LOL... i really need to read this article.
i don't understand where the extended light comes from? the links are not working for me on this browser, 404 error... latest FF.

how can you have extended light hours using 12/1?

24/0 is the best to keep plants squat... there is just no way giving a plant an hour of darkness will not have an effect on the auxin hormones that make plants stretch. interrupts growth that takes place during the dark? LOL... i really need to read this article.

You really need to read the tread. No one is doing 12 on 1 off. Its 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 on that make 24 the number of hours in a day. All of the information is here.
You really need to read the tread. No one is doing 12 on 1 off. Its 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 on that make 24 the number of hours in a day. All of the information is here.

the OP titled the thread, not me... the title does not say 12/5.5/1/5.5

with your post the plot thickens even further. as you've aslready said you are no authority and neither is anyone else in this thread by the sound of it. from your earlier post you claimed the whole thing was down to a one hour break in the dark schedule.

12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 on

this also does not read right... do you mean 5.5 off at the end? so in a total 24 hours the lights are off for 11 of them. i fail to se how this gives more light like you claimed in one of your previous posts... I saw an opportunity to apply more lights in the summer heat... you said. this thread is confused because the members posting within it are confused, this is why i cannot get the information i'm asking for.

try this and then try doing a google search if you are really interested in this method...this one took me 0.14 seconds.

That link actually explains very little. I it in no way explains how a plant can grow better with what amounts to only 13 hours of light per 24 hour period. we all know, or should do, that plants mature faster and veg faster under 24/0 than they do 18/6. Plants don't like the dark... period. the dark is more stressful to a plant than the light is.... light is life, dark is death. cannabis needs a c certain amount of light every day or it will die.

Plants react differently to the dark than they do the light... giving a plant 11 hours of darkness a day will result in more stretch which is false growth... just like it is on 18/6.
So does this actually work? Has anyone tried this and seen it threw the end?

If you have the time to look through this you can see the results. I started them under 24...reduced to 18/6 and then i ran the 12-1 schedule. Not a single nanner so far...no stretch until they went into flower...looked healthy as hell.

for flower they are on 12/12.


Despite what some think, plants do need rest....
Lookin good bro. I like whats going on with this light schedule. Those things look great to be some early in to flowering and frosty as a bitch.
plants do need rest....

Plants do not need to rest like humans do though. Plants do everything (aside from stretch as much) they do with the lights off when they are on... however they don't do everything they do with the lights on when they're off. In other words make energy to grow. give a plant less light and you give it less opportunity to make more ATP. a plant does not need to rest completely, it can rest one process whilst exercising another. even shut down sections of its root system at a time. Plants are not like us and do not need to rest for specific periods... they also do not need the lights off to rest when they do. Look into Darwin and his investigations into the movement of plants.

If indeed we were to try and replicate when a plant rests (judging by low transpiration rates) then we would constantly be turning the lights on and off. I'm not hating on this method, i just want to know the ins and outs of it... i would never care to use it myself as i can see that it is pretty pointless.. just interested for the sake of interest. It would be nice to hear a scientific explanation other than this works cos i've done it.
Plants do not need to rest like humans do though. Plants do everything (aside from stretch as much) they do with the lights off when they are on... however they don't do everything they do with the lights on when they're off. In other words make energy to grow. give a plant less light and you give it less opportunity to make more ATP. a plant does not need to rest completely, it can rest one process whilst exercising another. even shut down sections of its root system at a time. Plants are not like us and do not need to rest for specific periods... they also do not need the lights off to rest when they do. Look into Darwin and his investigations into the movement of plants.

If indeed we were to try and replicate when a plant rests (judging by low transpiration rates) then we would constantly be turning the lights on and off. I'm not hating on this method, i just want to know the ins and outs of it... i would never care to use it myself as i can see that it is pretty pointless.. just interested for the sake of interest. It would be nice to hear a scientific explanation other than this works cos i've done it.

For the past 2 years I had to wait until October to start my grow. This year I was able move to more that a couple of LED's and add my T-5 for veg in August and keep the temps below 90. It does save electricity 13 hours versus 16-24 is a bit of savings. As for a scientific explanation there are several links to articles here by experienced growers with adequate explanation for why this works. They do a much better job than me.
I also never understood letting a plant get 4-5' tall and then cutting all of the bottom leaves since they don't get adequate light. I was ending up with very tall plants or topping to restrain size so this is keeping things more where I want it.
There has been a lot of criticism of this method by people who done think it will work. Is there any one who has try this and had problems? Any at all. If there are none then that in and of its self is evidence.
Again the reason I tried this is the decreased heat due to decrease light time. If heat and lighting where not an issue I may not have tried it my self. But I'm glad I did.
i'm not saying it wil not make you rplants grow... i just don't see the point. there are no scientific explanations in this thread whatsoever. nor any links to such a thing... even when asked to provide these links i get shown something where somebody else is simply saying it works cos they've done it.

I fail to see how giving a plant less light will make that plant grow better. as i've stated before... everything the plant does with the lights down it also does while they are on.