Well-Known Member
Root plugNot yet. But I don't like rockwool. It's bad for environment and fucks up my compost
Root plugNot yet. But I don't like rockwool. It's bad for environment and fucks up my compost
Yes the tips under solarstorm did have some bleachingI bet with the extra light and little to no veg, you will hit an oz per plant!
Did you notice any bleaching with your LED?
@farmerfischer pull that dick out you're ass and search my threads i aint doing the work for youLove the ambition and optimism.
More like baking cookies lol. A pinch here a dash there.
@rob333 eat shit. Give me current links of your stuff so I can belittle you and your shit and not no copy paste pic bullshit either
Sorry @kfos not trying to FUCK up your thread ( in advance) but that guy is a tard. I wish I had a slap app! I'd be slappin the snot out of certain mofos
Hay hay hay!!! Ease up man. I mean woe there..!!@farmerfischer pull that dick out you're ass and search my threads i aint doing the work for you
do whatever you like mate, but that many plants on such a space has no benefit whatsoever. while it brings a lot of dangers and disadvantages.
first, why it has no benefit: cannabis produces per area. that is the reason we have been using "xxx gram per sqft/m²" to determine the yield potential of plants. That means, if a strain can produce 600gr per square meter, then it will produce around 600gr under good conditions, no matter how many plats you have. Why? for several reasons. Cannabis is a space sharer and will share it's resources with it's own kind, like many wild plants that like to live close together (nettles are a good example); but it is also a space user and will grow as large as it can, if there are no others of her kind she needs to share with. That is why you can have single plants that produce 2-3 kilos too. The key here is space. Air-space for leave coverage and spread - the more room the plant has to grow, the more she will grow, if the room is limited, she will not grow much at all; ground space for roots and stability - if the root area is large enough, large enough without intervention of other plants, the root ball will grow as large as it possibly can and size of the roots directly reflects the size of the body.
The secondary elements is resources that need or need not be shared with plants around. Light, CO², Nutrients and more. While for air, moisture and light, it is primarily the size of the plant/s - whether it is one large one, or several small ones - which will be equalized by the plant itself through growth; but it gets a bit more complicated with nutrients where many plants are harder to control and feed than a single one. a single large plant can handle difficulties, malnutrition and pets easier than a couple of small ones. In fact, the more plants you have, the higher the chance of mildew, mites and other pets. not only are the conditions better for the pests, the plants are weaker too and spread happens way faster.
I bet, you can produce as much with just four plants, if you give them enough space.
To me, it is just a waste of cuts. I never grow more than 24 per m², because there is absolutely no benefit to it.
Knowledge is exactly what i offered. You can still choose to ignore it. If someone take some time to share data and info, be a bit more grateful instead of so defensive, or people might stop sharing what they know. Criticism is not as bad as being unable to take any, especially of it is reasonable. i was not negative, there was no malice intent, i just shared what i know. people are still free to choose what to do for themselves.
i have grown plants without veg, straight from a clone and still grew them 6 to 9 feet high. there is no real benefit in growing really dense, and i can make a sog or scrog with way less plants too, just depends on how you train them.
this is not about emotions or negativity vice verse positivism, this is just about physics and what is possible in the universe of ours. there are limits to plants and what they can do. one of those limits is bio mass, which is based on available resources, of which one is space. you will use as much water and as much nutrients as you would with less, but larger plants, because the bio mass stays the same. the amount of bio mass you can produce is a mix of water, salts, CO² and light, grow space. You could theoretically calculate it down to atomic weight if you had enough data. So you will end up with just as much if you grow less plants. Instead of growing 20 plants with 1 ounce each, i grow 1 plant with 20 ounce on it. Same outcome. But there is still a difference...
Bigger plants are stronger, healthier, more resilient and produce better product. This is based on decades of shared experience of several high end growers. This is as supportive as it can be.
You ciphilus infected cum bubble..
i prefer 'aids infested crusty cum-bubble' myself...And the winner of the Best in class insult. ^^^^^^
Awesome. Just awesome.
Nice work mate. Dont see many round here who pack em in but its the way to go imo. Clone to flower, zero veg, crank em out.
Are they in medium or just hangin and splashin?