11 pointed leaf. Not have you see anything like this?


Well-Known Member
This leaf has 11 points and looks quite healthy. Doesn't even look like a mutation. I can't seem to find any other instances of this on the forums or on google. How 'bout you guys?



Active Member
well i havent had an 11 point leaf but right now i have a HUGE 10 point fan leaf....i was thinking the same thing but its healthy and contributing to the plant so let it ride haha


Well-Known Member
well i havent had an 11 point leaf but right now i have a HUGE 10 point fan leaf....i was thinking the same thing but its healthy and contributing to the plant so let it ride haha
True say man, she's happy as hell. Thought i'd share, i was pretty toasty when i posted it, it amazed me. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i've seen leafs odd and even up to 16. all were outdoor grows but i dnt find it strange at all


Well-Known Member
I've always suspected the more fingers (odd/even whatever) on new fans the healthier the girl. :weed:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
cut it off and scan it in to the computer
then up load it so i can photo shop it

i wonder if the no. of fans mean anything.. i mean really


Active Member
we should have a contest to put up the most fans on you plant i'll go first
Sounds like fun, my plant is just under 5 weeks, and the new growth at the top is at 9... not sure if its normal or not, I am new to growing

How long does this contest last lol? might need a few more weeks/months to compete


bud bootlegger
the most i have ever had one on of my plants was 13 on my mk ultra i think it was.. i don't think it really means much to have more or less leaves on a plant, its all down to genetics.. my og now i am pretty sure only has 5, and a happier and healthier plant i have never seen..


Well-Known Member
the most i have ever had one on of my plants was 13 on my mk ultra i think it was.. i don't think it really means much to have more or less leaves on a plant, its all down to genetics.. my og now i am pretty sure only has 5, and a happier and healthier plant i have never seen..
I always thought that if the plant had more leaf blades that meant it was just trying to catch as much light as possible. LIke isnt that the point of the plant having more than single and 3 bladed leaves? My biggest plant current has 9 fingered leaves that are bigger than my hand.