106 degree weather forgot to water, SHIT!


Well-Known Member
So went to work today forgetting to water my little girl this morning, and I come back to this. The heat has been through the roof, around 106 degrees... Will she recover. I just watered her with ice cold water, then I read that wasnt a good idea. Sooooo.... She is in my house now (78 degrees). Will she bounce back? (she is in flowering too, about a week now)IMG00133-20110907-0259.jpg

she's just going through plasmolysis (normal for any plant) just give her room temp. water and let her stay where she was. Might be some damage to the upper leaves, but she'll recover. I had to deal with 110 degrees for the whole summer so i've seen quite a bit of this. lol


Well-Known Member
So basically your saying keep her outside in the hot weather and she will fix herself?

Nvm i just realized after looking up that word, I gave her water, so i'm hoping she recovers. I will keep her inside till night time then I will let nature take her course. Just hope she's not gonna hermi on me.

AMG Power

I would leave them man. Cutting things off is just going to stress her out more. Honestly brother she is looking rough, try and ride it out other wise maybe just go and get a clone if your a med patient. You learned a lesson like we all have, I promise you will never forget to water and her like that again.

Lesson learned, happy future growing brother.


Well-Known Member
LOL this is a clone. And it has grown a shit load in the past week and a half. I will leave the leaves, but the plant is no wear near death, considering it is growing as we speak.