1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah and look, only 1 left, LoL, i missed out again huh rasta. bro pics are great plants look great and killer yeild off the 1. that should be a good oz and a half dry? awesome job bro!!
o sure hope! lol thanks man

I'm totally gonna use ur recipe! +rep!
yea man taste great!

I guess 27 grams dry weight...great job...love my brownies but may have to give the treats a whirl...

im thinkin around the same had some pretty meaty stems wen i took wet weight but buds are pretty fat n dense!


Well-Known Member
thanks man!...i uually make cookies or brownies but sometimes u cant tate the weed....in this recipe the taste is so great! u can tate that cannabutter wad ther main ingredient n off of one nibble ur mouth fills with fresh bud taste andis the best tatin edible ive made so far


Well-Known Member
hey, still looks great!!
hey thanks man! so the dry weight is in! she ways 48.9grams! i left one of the colas to trim dry and the other i trimmed wet...i noticed right away wen that it takes a day or two longer to dry with the leaves on....but as i was trimmin it they smelt just as it did on the tree! wen i handle n smell the buds that wur trimmed there really isnt a smell to them at all...smells way more piney! i think its pretty clear which way im leaning to as i will never hang a trimmed bud again!...unless i get impatient and want those rice crispy treats again! lol...will have pics up later! as for now im lightin up my gram spliff


Well-Known Member
well im still sittin here with more than half my spliff left...dont even wanna light the shit!!!! this is def the best high ive gotten from this strain so far! def in the body and def in the head and hits u qwik!! i ashed it once put it bac in my mouth and its stayed there sice! and now im hungry lofl!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good harvest man and I am gonna try the rice crispy treat thing. I have never done it all at once. I usually make the butter then make the goodies. I like the idea of doing it all at once though. I still have a shit load of butter in the freezer that I am too lazy to bake with. lol


Well-Known Member
thanks! yea man if u use the double burner method u can use it right out of the pot! if u use the water and butter method u have to solidify the butter by putting it in the fridge...but it works absolutely great! and the taste is like noneother! i have to admit i used 40grams of some buds and trim and the treats wur very strong in taste! but i enjoyed them! also i forgot to mention earlier i froze the trim in a box in the freezer for a few hours...untill they wur krispy to touch...and then i cut and grinded the trim so it was smaller and then i emptied it all into the pot...also wen i stir the leaves in butter i mash them and beat them around litterally trying to knock all the trichs off but it worked great and its easyyy!!! no baking!


New Member
hey thanks man! so the dry weight is in! she ways 48.9grams! i left one of the colas to trim dry and the other i trimmed wet...i noticed right away wen that it takes a day or two longer to dry with the leaves on....but as i was trimmin it they smelt just as it did on the tree! wen i handle n smell the buds that wur trimmed there really isnt a smell to them at all...smells way more piney! i think its pretty clear which way im leaning to as i will never hang a trimmed bud again!...unless i get impatient and want those rice crispy treats again! lol...will have pics up later! as for now im lightin up my gram spliff
Well bro I must say that when it is in your favor I am so glad my estimate was so off...congrats and enjoy



Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys...yea lumi i was very happy and weighed it like 3 times lol couldnt believe it! the buds are super dense! ill put up some pics in the pm...

soo i noticed i have alot of little bugs theyre realllly small so couldnt snap a pic or see them...some look diff.. but some fly and some are just really fast lol...its creepin me out...they seem to like moisture and go in the pots after i just water them...bu leace the dry soil alone...they arent on the buds or leaves but shits gross man! any suggestions on wa to do? i was thinkin bout hittin the room with bagon but dnt want that shit around my plants so idk./...


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys...yea lumi i was very happy and weighed it like 3 times lol couldnt believe it! the buds are super dense! ill put up some pics in the pm...

soo i noticed i have alot of little bugs theyre realllly small so couldnt snap a pic or see them...some look diff.. but some fly and some are just really fast lol...its creepin me out...they seem to like moisture and go in the pots after i just water them...bu leace the dry soil alone...they arent on the buds or leaves but shits gross man! any suggestions on wa to do? i was thinkin bout hittin the room with bagon but dnt want that shit around my plants so idk./...
What kinda soil? FFOF is loaded with bugs the 3x I've messed with it. Never again lol... I think I had the same little ones in the soil ur talking about, like your face has to be 6 inches away to even see them, and when you do notice they are freaking everywhere, like 1000000s of them lol. I think they are just after something in the soil, so I guess maybe the are beneficial breaking down the soil into more usable components? I really dunno, they could be pests too but I didn't get the feeling they were going after my plants/roots.


New Member
thanks alot guys...yea lumi i was very happy and weighed it like 3 times lol couldnt believe it! the buds are super dense! ill put up some pics in the pm...

soo i noticed i have alot of little bugs theyre realllly small so couldnt snap a pic or see them...some look diff.. but some fly and some are just really fast lol...its creepin me out...they seem to like moisture and go in the pots after i just water them...bu leace the dry soil alone...they arent on the buds or leaves but shits gross man! any suggestions on wa to do? i was thinkin bout hittin the room with bagon but dnt want that shit around my plants so idk./...


Cure it now^



Well-Known Member
What kinda soil? FFOF is loaded with bugs the 3x I've messed with it. Never again lol... I think I had the same little ones in the soil ur talking about, like your face has to be 6 inches away to even see them, and when you do notice they are freaking everywhere, like 1000000s of them lol. I think they are just after something in the soil, so I guess maybe the are beneficial breaking down the soil into more usable components? I really dunno, they could be pests too but I didn't get the feeling they were going after my plants/roots.
nah im using pro mix...first time ive seen em! been itchin and skin been crawlin since lol! i dont think they are damaging my plants neither but i def. aint goin b sleepin in my room if this keeps up lol!

thanks man will def look into it


Well-Known Member
hey bro. can u walk me through the butter making process>? or link me up please?
hey yea man there are a few zdiff ways of makin butter...the best way imo is to use a double burner and boil water under neith a pot where the butter is...i melt the butter down this way and then wen metled i add the trim or bud...i then mash and stir and let simmer...u dont want it to bubble but u want it just be4 a bubble...takes some playing around with...but u dont want the butter to steam off..i just stir and let simmer and repeat for about an hour and then u strain the bud and leaves from the butter...and its able to b used right away

damn n thry in the soil?, maybe silverfish?
i have no clue man...i dont see many in the soil but some re in there....lofl and one just landed on the screen as im writin this...well some fly and some are very very small...then theres the pale white lookin ones that are reallly slow...lol idk but its weird