Well-Known Member
all i ca tell ya is i been rollin since i was like 11..at the oldest...its easy though its 2nd nature now...i use a 'filter' as well its how we all get down! means no slobbery closed hole that cakes wit resin and hard to smokehow da hell o yall dem perfect j's, i can roll em . but not how i do a blunt.

yea man been outa it since ive harvested...i walk into any room n my bois are like damn u just harvested huh lofllol! I was crackin' up on this shit! ahahahahathat was funny!
peersonally i love the fresh look...only becuase u can only get that look cuz its fresh! lol but i dont mind them lookin how they do nowyea well im just wierd like that rasta, i like to roll my nice sticky buds on my kief box to make them nice and perdy... usually when im bored sitting there watching a movie of simething...