102 Things Not To Do If You Hate Taxes

Personal opinion.
LOL it isn't opinion at all, it is fact.


Moreover, other jurisdictions have held similarly:
". . . a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any particular individual citizen . . ."

Reference: Warren v. District of Columbia, 444 A.2d 1 (D.C. App.181)
Anything else you would like to be proved to you?
The EPA makes clean air ? really? With what machine? are you saying that 10,000 years ago we had terrible dirty air that didn't get clean until the EPA showed up? Really?

I suppose 10,000 years ago all the rivers were totally polluted until someone figured out if you tax people they magically get clean.

I do believe SS was envisioned as a Pension, which might be taken out of your payroll, but it isn't really a tax is it? Perhpas it is a tax, now that your money does not go into an account but instead is used to pay off the old folks who are living on SS benefits, like a Borg Collective. SS is really just a Ponzi Scheme and will soon fail.
On that list, I see weather warning systems... What incentive is there for a private entity to commission such a program?

I think as technology gets better the need for the these type of government systems decreases. People tweeted about the recent Japanese earthquake/tsunami before any alerts went out from the government.
#47, do not use the GI Bill.

The author of this list is stupid, the GI bill is funded by the SOLDIER, you don't just get the GI bill, you have to put a monthly payment into the system, there is not fucking GI Bill tax. IDIOT AUTHOR!!

I think after all these dumb errors the whole list can be thrown out as the rantings of a moron.
2 things you can do if you want to pay taxes:

1-make any money for any reason
2-buy any good or service from anyone

Why is there a tax on every single thing in our country? Can anyone name something in the legal regular economy that isn't taxed?
Gold and Silver aren't taxed.
#47, do not use the GI Bill.

The author of this list is stupid, the GI bill is funded by the SOLDIER, you don't just get the GI bill, you have to put a monthly payment into the system, there is not fucking GI Bill tax. IDIOT AUTHOR!!

I think after all these dumb errors the whole list can be thrown out as the rantings of a moron.

Not completly. The goverment more than matches. Plus there are other benefits the GI bill pays
#82, do not expect to own cars, boats , homes? Yep, without government holding the title in some room in some building somewhere I would not be able to own my home. What a crock of shit. Think people who lived here 800 years ago had homes? They sure as hell did, and they didn't have a title, amazing!! Its like if they all of a sudden made you get a title for that soda pop you bought at the corner store. Think you don't own it? Show the fucking receipt.
#87, Do not apply for a patent when inventing something.

LMAO the US Patent office uses $0.00 of taxpayer funds for its operation it is 100% funded by fees it charges to people who want to get a patent.


US Patent Office said:
The USPTO has evolved into a unique government agency. Since 1991--under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1990--the agency has been fully fee funded. The primary services the agency provides include processing patent and trademark applications and disseminating patent and trademark information.

This list is debunked, I can't go on anymore with how many errors it has in it. If I were a college professor I would give this student a "D" for submitting such ill researched reports.
#82, do not expect to own cars, boats , homes? Yep, without government holding the title in some room in some building somewhere I would not be able to own my home. What a crock of shit. Think people who lived here 800 years ago had homes? They sure as hell did, and they didn't have a title, amazing!! Its like if they all of a sudden made you get a title for that soda pop you bought at the corner store. Think you don't own it? Show the fucking receipt.

800 years ago a king owned your land or you had to fight to keep it. Is that what yiu quest?
Buy a home. Start a business. Get a year of inemployment. And a whole lot more. How old are you?
I'm almost 50.
You can't use the GI Bill to do any of those things, you are thinking of VA benefits. You also cannot use the GI Bill to gain unemployment benefits, WTF made you think you could?

You can only use the GI Bill for education purposes you numbskull..

Veterans’ Entrepreneurial Transition Business Benefit Act was a bill put before congress to allow the use of the GI Bill to build a home or start a business, but it was never voted into law.

Research skills are lacking.
800 years ago a king owned your land or you had to fight to keep it. Is that what yiu quest?
There were no kings in North America 800 years ago. The USA is still involved in fighting other countries for land/resources. So I guess we can rule out the fighting part.

I could put the title of my home in a safe deposit box...WOW without government help!!
I thought I was being very generous by saying 15% was better off being handled by the government. Rather than me listing how each of the items could easily be handled by the private sector, since it's so obvious that like the other posters stated, it's a waste of time to do so, why don't you back up the original claim of the OP... give us a common sense argument why almost any of those on the list COULDN'T be handled by the private sector. I'll concede anything like military and police and a few others, but how about the rest?

How about the rest? Anything that has anything to do with the commons - i.e. air waves, sea chanels, the land, the water and the air must be arbitrated by an orgainzation not influenced by profit. the statement that the EPA does not "manufacture" clean air is obtuse at best. When competing uses and abuses of the commons arise - for the air - about 100 years ago in the United States,those demands and abuses must be managed. Power and chemical companies dirtied the air. Why is it that so many on the right believe we still live 200 years ago in some agrarian society where we all grew our own food, hunted our own meat and lived in log cabins? There happen to be 300 million people here, all competing for the same resources - a good reason to have regulations.

So few on the right seem to value the major thing that government provides the people - ORDER. Name any private industry that can do the same.
The FAA needs to get disbanded. Airlines can navigate the skies on their own dime

this is the difference between proactive and reactive management. We can indeed let planes fall out of the sky, and when enough of them do people won't travel on that particular airline, or that particular form of aircraft. Or, we can set up regulations that tend to (note I said tend to - the right seems to believe that a single failure of a regulatory body implies total failure - even while espousing a system that thrives upon failure in order for corrections to be made) correct problems before they kill masses of people in one shot.

Furthermore, the FAA also tends to promote the industry it regulates. It instills a degree of confidence in the public that flying is safe. Or are you suggesting that some private organization will take on the task - AT a profit with no oversight and open to the highest bidder with no guarantee that every airline and every manufacturer will sign up with this service. Could a private evaluation system ground all planes of a particular make? No, the best they could ever do is "suggest".
same goes for the FDA

they are regulating an industry that lobbied to be required to pay applications and in turn fund the FDA long term...

now their budget is higher and dependent upon PHARMA to keep footing the bill.. just like big pharma likes it.
I think as technology gets better the need for the these type of government systems decreases. People tweeted about the recent Japanese earthquake/tsunami before any alerts went out from the government.

TWEETS? really? The pacific is dotted with pressure sensitive devices that detect tsunamis long before anyone might experience the event itself and tweet their experience. Again you are depending on reaction where we can have proaction and give everyone, not just the folks who are down stream from the event a chance to survive. Shall we actually not monitor hurricanes and predict land fall and let those who are already affected by the event "tweet" those others, or shall we apply reason and science - that aren't profitable, and save even more people from disaster?
The private sector generally only picks up tasks that are profitable. With that in mind, sure, the private sector could take over some of the duties listed - but they have no incentive to do so... And so steps in the government, to execute tasks that people want and that the private sector does not produce. On that list, I see weather warning systems... What incentive is there for a private entity to commission such a program?

Also, you have to consider conflicting interests. If our water supply is privatized, for example, a quality water supply is more costly to produce and maintain than one that meets minimum standards. It is in the consumers interest to have a quality water supply, but a private entity's best interest is to maximize profits - potentially at the expense of water quality. A government entity does take into account costs, but the government is not left with the prospect of balancing conflicting interests (between quality and profitability). As an Oregonian, I like quality water...

Aquafina? Ice Mountain? Dasani?

Anyways, the threat of lawsuit is factored into the loss category. So private companies would at least strive provide safe water for a profit.
How about the rest? Anything that has anything to do with the commons - i.e. air waves, sea chanels, the land, the water and the air must be arbitrated by an orgainzation not influenced by profit. the statement that the EPA does not "manufacture" clean air is obtuse at best. When competing uses and abuses of the commons arise - for the air - about 100 years ago in the United States,those demands and abuses must be managed. Power and chemical companies dirtied the air. Why is it that so many on the right believe we still live 200 years ago in some agrarian society where we all grew our own food, hunted our own meat and lived in log cabins? There happen to be 300 million people here, all competing for the same resources - a good reason to have regulations.

So few on the right seem to value the major thing that government provides the people - ORDER. Name any private industry that can do the same.
You are completely missing the point. No one here is saying we don't want clean air or clean water and i highly doubt anyone is disillusioned on the need to regulate pollution in some way. What the point is, is that we do not feel that your income should be taxed by the federal government so that it can fund a federal government program. Why should someone living in Wyoming and some of the cleanest air be subject to taxation to help someone in New Jersey? This would be much better regulated by the states. We only need the Federal Government to do a few basic things. Defend our borders, uphold our laws and contracts and protect the rights of the average everyday citizen. Although i see a point to having a "Federal" authority to oversee it all since wind can carry one state's pollution to another, I feel the states can set up some authority to do that, there is no need to employ 18,000 people making an average of $70,000 a year in pay and another $41,000 in benefits to drive around and harass and fine the good citizens of this nation. We don't really need 360 people per state to implement this kind of thing do we? $1.8 Billion just in pay and benefits each year seem a bit much? No wonder we have such a deficit.

I once saw the EPA fine a gal $10,000 for rinsing out a paint brush in her driveway with a water hose. WTF? The Federal Government is chock full of the bottom 25% of college grads, they should not be getting my money and then using it to wage war against me.