1000watt heat issues...help?


Well-Known Member
what happens when temps drop or shoot up. ill tell you stress. you should go on craigs list and get a small used a/c unit. i had one fan in the box. one fan on the light. one fan pulling air into shed. one fan exuasting shed.fuck all that noise(literally the noise of the fans was crazy) got a small a/c for 30$ on craigs list. no more noise and the electric bill is half of what the fans cost.
my temps high now with the stanley blower fan is 24-25C. My low is no lower then 18-20C. NO STRESS!!!


New Member
I got a 170 CfM with my 1000 wt in about 8x8x8. it gets up to about 88 on hot days, but not the 100 deg weather. I'm getting a stanley, but my problem is exhausting through a duct going out the roof. It won't be able to go through the carbon filter. NE1 got any suggestions? Prolly gonna be screwd late summer.

If you can't use a carbon filter use a ozone generator just make sure its hooked up right. Here is a link with more info. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/86320-my-highest-reccomendation-inexpensive-unit.html

Keng Green

Active Member
Well....I can't really put a carbon filter on the roof, but i've considered an ozone generator. Don't know about ordering online. Should u use a money order? or is it okay to use a credit card?


New Member
I wouldn't worry about it keng green people buy them all the time for lots of different reasons and if your still worried you can get a credit card gift card from walgreens or where ever and use those to buy any equipment you need. I have never really seen anybody busted for ordering equipment.... Most people get busted because they tell people they know about the grow.


Well-Known Member
ozone thing looks nice i might get one eventually, still a little expencive for me since a DIY carbon filter does the job fine for $10


New Member
I am pretty positive those fans dont put out anywhere close to as much ozone as the one that he recommended, I have used ozone fans that are similar and they don't really work for a grow < or at least my grow.and another thing that shows how big a difference is you can have one of those fans in your bedroom You can't/shouldn't use the Ozn-1 in any living area It will give you a sorethoat if exsposed to it too long before it changes back to O2. It should be in your ducting before you vent outside. Or in a dead space that all your exshaust goes to like an attic where it can dissapate slowly . I also have a friend who grows quite a bit who uses the DIY carbon filters and one of these

He puts its on in his basement in the room next to the grow and it does its job ok .
But I just got the one that panhead recommended (craigslist 2 weeks old 75$) and it is much stronger then the ozn jr. and I am super happy with it. I also like DIY carbon filters and would say to anyone who is looking for a good cheap way to fix a smell issue is to make one, they work well and if you have no smell problem with them then there is no reason to upgrade. But if you do decide/need to upgrade I would suggest the ozone generator if it will work for your setup. For those reading this and haven't seen a DIY carbon filter here is one version https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/63004-my-3-carbon-filter.html