1000watt *5-Star* - 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
i knew the stanley was what you were lookin for:bigjoint:great feelin getting temps under control huh? all downhill from here brotha:peace:


Well-Known Member
Heres the next pics. The two back plants are topped. the 3 in the front arent. The two pics of the stalk are of the front middle plant. Ones with circles around the swells, ones without. Hopefully shes just really healthy and not going male on me.
those arent nuthin.ns lookin plants,under 1000w ,,gonna load them up on the branching. i branch my BB to.:peace:


Well-Known Member
More Pics... the topped plant in the back left which is also the first single pic has 10 colas poking through. I love it. Looks tastey with nothing on it already! front middle plant is nice. ones lookin pretty droopy in the front left, and front right is kind of a runt. back right is looking healthy but not as nice as the other topped plant.

Im going to buy a new hood in a couple paydays. probably use it with my next grow. Im going to get a brand new bulb too. The new hood is wider and has a white background. I think it will work better then the old pos i have right now.



Well-Known Member
Plants are about 3 weeks old. I noticed 2 of them are showing pre-flowers, so I changed my timer to 12/12 today. I cant tell if they are male or female yet. One of them, my largest one, is scaring me, I see what may be a male pre-flower on it. Im going to wait a couple more days to see.



Well-Known Member
Ok so seriously. What the fuck am I doing wrong...

I get mad males all the time. The only thing I can see wrong with my grow room up until the other day was it was a little hot. But Ive seen lots of dudes grow in the same temps and get all females. So wtf?! Im almost positive the 2 plants showing pre-flowers are males judging between them and the sexing info in the growfaq.

Or could it be that the place Im ordering all my seeds from has bunk seeds?! Ive complained to them once before but all they said is it has to be my environment. I dont know. If all these plants turn out to be boys, Im either done with growing or done with ordering my seeds from vancouverseedbank for sure. Its all seeming like a waste of time to me.


Well-Known Member
THE ATTITUDE SEED BANK.....i have had nothing but good experiences with these guys, fast shipping, almost 99.9% germinate(free ones sometimes dont) good prices, big selection, i wouldnt order from anywhere els...if i wanted a hockey stick i would call up canada lol, j/k...but seriously..


i probably started my grow around the same time you did, and it's been hot outside and inside the house nonstop, so the temp was a problem for me as well. however I managed to drop it by 5-6 degrees C, by directing a fan (something like that on your pics is perfect) right on the bulb. It's gotta be close to it, so you feel the air moving and cooling down around the bulb. I dont know how much it will drop you temp, since yours is 1000W, but i think it's worth a try.
Those plants are looking great thou, they'll do fine.


Well-Known Member
THE ATTITUDE SEED BANK.....i have had nothing but good experiences with these guys, fast shipping, almost 99.9% germinate(free ones sometimes dont) good prices, big selection, i wouldnt order from anywhere els...if i wanted a hockey stick i would call up canada lol, j/k...but seriously..
I'm in th u.s. and i get my seeds from attitude,rhino seeds,seed boutique for about 9 yrs.before that i gottem from marc emery,, igot reason to believe hemp depot is his,lol.Dutch passion reg.seed strains i always get rite at 50/50 females, dont get thier feminized,, worse outbreak of hermes twice ever seen in my life,lol. . i usually put my seedling plants in 5" in containers at 4inches sexem 7days determined transplant put bak under 24 hour lite to veg. more.hahaha,funny,the seed is either a male or female at birth,funny.unless your making fem. seeds some stressing and environment with a hep of a chemical.i'm also doin the freebie feminized seeds presently and thier up and goi.power plant and skunk1.see ya.


Well-Known Member
So heres another picture of the last 3 together, being the 2 topped ones and 1 un-topped plant. The 2 close-ups are of the plant thats ot topped. Its showing its pre-flowers. Im looking for a straight answer as to whether its male or female before I toss it out. Anyone help me?



Well-Known Member
not lookin good bro....i would wait for others to comment tho,
the last two appaear to have the same thing but its too small to tell. they were the topped plants so they are a few days behind the rest from the topping. Buddy that i buy my smoke from gave me 6 bag seeds yesterday. Ive started germing them under paper towel. Im just going to go 12/12 from seed with them. This will mean that 5/5 were males. Im really depressed over this. And the only thing I know was wrong with the grow environment was the heat.

My 6 feminized seeds from attitude are on the way so hopefully i dont get all hermies!!!


Well-Known Member
just pulled the male. Now im down to the two topped plants. ones quite a bit larger than then other so its showing a bit now. looks male. The last one isnt showing anything yet!


Well-Known Member
Some new pics. First 3 are of the plant on the left. Tallest of the topped with about 10 colas showing. 4th and 5th pics are of the second one. I have circled the pre-flowers. I need confirmation on sex. No sticks yet if they are male. maybe someone can let me know! And the last picture is the two together. May be the last if they are male.

Fem'd seeds are on the way so if they are male then oh well, guess its time to start again!



Well-Known Member
all boys. just received my WW seeds from attitude. tore down and cleaned up the grow area. now i re organized it a little for more room and a cleaner look. im going to add some white laminate pieces for reflectivity. temp inside the grow area right now is 20C.when the seeds have germ'd and look nice and healthy i will start a new thread and post some pics and a link here. pce for now growers.


Well-Known Member
all boys. just received my WW seeds from attitude. tore down and cleaned up the grow area. now i re organized it a little for more room and a cleaner look. im going to add some white laminate pieces for reflectivity. temp inside the grow area right now is 20C.when the seeds have germ'd and look nice and healthy i will start a new thread and post some pics and a link here. pce for now growers.
nice bro keep us updated, i cant wait to see the WW, i got a feeling this time around it will work out nicely :peace::joint: