1000watt *5-Star* - 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
So this is my 3rd grow. Still cant get my temps under control. Cant find a fan powerful enough yet quiet enough to run through my cool tube.

So far my 6 babies have been germ'd in 4" pots. After about 5 days I started seeing sprouts. The smallest one took over a week to come up. Not sure why but Im going to keep it for now anyways. The one in the top middle of the picture was 2nd to last to come up. The 4 outer ones all came up no problems.

The strain is 5-star. I ordered them from Vancouver Seed Bank in BC, Canada. They are just shy of a week into Veg. Cant get my temp below 35C so they will grow slowly until I fix that.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention in my last post that the oldest sprout was roughly a week old. I never kept track of the exact date. I am going to decide when to flower my babies by size not age. And as for flowering Im going to be tracking trichromes for harvesting.

In these next pictures Im going to say they are 2-3 days shy of 2 weeks old. possibly even 4 days lol. I managed to get my temp to drop 5C. This should help a little. I noticed that by morning my temp has gone up a bit more again. Im going to order a "Stanley Blower Fan" off of ebay shortly. The fan should push enough CFM to get me where I need to be.

The other 2 pics are of a plant I put outside when It hermied in my last grow. Its looking verrrry healthy and all the new growth is 100% female. I may top it and throw the clone back into the cabinet and leave the bottom hermie outside and hopefully get some more kush seeds.

Enjoy the pics! :hump:



Well-Known Member
This would be what Im calling 2 weeks. but like I said it may be a few less days. I just added a couple days to my own guess.

They are a bit droopy but lights just came on and i watered an hour or so before lights out. so they may be feeling a bit overwatered.



Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say to everyone that I think its amazing how much growth you can notice in even just 2 days. Especially with a 1000watt HPS.

My first 2 grows were weak.

Grow 1, CFL's ---> 100wattMH + CFL's. Plants were too cold entire time, and didnt get enough light, some went male, some died...

Grow 2, CFL's ---> MH +CFL's ---> 1000watt HPS. Plants got lots of light with the first CFL's. Couple turned male, couple turned hermie, had 2 females, got nute burned as it was my first time. I got about 1/4 ounce. Got me more baked then anything I would buy.

Hopefully this time around Ive learned enough to grow myself some nice babies, and hopefully these 5 I have turn out female.

ALSO, I ordered a stanley blower fan to help push the air in my area. These babies are only $50-$60 and are capable of pushing CFM's in the thousands. Here is a couple links for info and if anyone would like to get one.



The second link shows a little better information. Like CFM's.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so heres 2 more days of growth. I will try to update every other day now since theres a noticeable amount of growth. Theres is a small 4" pot in the middle that is a seedling im going to put outside in a couple days. The sun hasnt been out so I wanted to make sure it got a good head start.

I am thinking about topping a couple of my plants in the larger pots. The problem is I havnt had much luck with females so far, and i dont want to jinx what Im hoping to be a good actual yield. My blower fan should be here in a few more business days. I wanted my temps to be cooler for a healthy recovery.

What does everyone else think? Should I top say 2 plants? If Im going to I want to do it while I still have at least 2 weeks of Veg left. Right now Im siting just over 2 weeks and I was hoping to flower around 4-5 wks. This strain has a 8-9 week flowering stage.

Enjoy the pic.



Well-Known Member
those are some nice indicas you got there:weed:, and dont trip bout what some ppl sayn bro, that blower is gonna be a solid investment, i bet my girls on it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I know its only been one day, but I cant resist. The growth is still amazing. One plant in the back left is a lil saggy, needed some water and just got some.

First pic is another 3 days from last with my outdoor hermie. LOVE the 9 leafers on it! :hump:

Less than a week for my stanley fan bubloni. CANT WAIT!

Oh yeah my biggest plant in front centre, has started to swell around all of the nodes. Im not going to let that scare me this time around. I will hold out until I actually see the male pre-flowers lol.



Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say to everyone that I think its amazing how much growth you can notice in even just 2 days. Especially with a 1000watt HPS.

My first 2 grows were weak.

Grow 1, CFL's ---> 100wattMH + CFL's. Plants were too cold entire time, and didnt get enough light, some went male, some died...

Grow 2, CFL's ---> MH +CFL's ---> 1000watt HPS. Plants got lots of light with the first CFL's. Couple turned male, couple turned hermie, had 2 females, got nute burned as it was my first time. I got about 1/4 ounce. Got me more baked then anything I would buy.

Hopefully this time around Ive learned enough to grow myself some nice babies, and hopefully these 5 I have turn out female.

ALSO, I ordered a stanley blower fan to help push the air in my area. These babies are only $50-$60 and are capable of pushing CFM's in the thousands. Here is a couple links for info and if anyone would like to get one.



The second link shows a little better information. Like CFM's.

the cfm for that stanley fan is like three hundred on high..i have one


Well-Known Member
look, 6" inline fan from home depot. for $30 CLAIMS to push 160CMF, i own one and know how much air it pushes....my stanley is EASILY 10x more powerfull than the inline....


Well-Known Member
topped the two plants in the back of the pictures. just cut the new growth off of the top. I noticed the left 3 plants ALL have swelling around the main sun leaf and node sites. This scares me. Well, since I topped my plants I will make sure they get at LEAST another week and a half of vegging to recover. On the 20th they will be roughly 4 weeks since the first sprout was seen (Front Middle).

I noticed even more growth tonight when I got home. Its 4am and I just got home so I wont see my babies again until about 12 and a half hours from now.


Well-Known Member
Heres the next pics. The two back plants are topped. the 3 in the front arent. The two pics of the stalk are of the front middle plant. Ones with circles around the swells, ones without. Hopefully shes just really healthy and not going male on me.



Well-Known Member
Lookin' Happy!! Single plant is front middle, my largest. Rougly 8". I trimmed bottom two sets of sun leaves so I could access when watering. They were getting in the way. I think Im going to top the pots off with dirt too. I also want to find matching pots for the two outside front little guys. The back left plant has 4 colas comming up so I also cut the two top leaves on that plant. As soon as I did the colas were showing. This way they will get lots of light and grow faster.

Stanley blower fan should be here this week, then Im going to start thinking about flowering.

My babies are looking good from my point of view. The only thing I dont like are my temps. Im hoping that the swelling is only a good sign and that all my babies turn out to be girls! That would really make a new grower happy!

Enjoy the pics!


Well-Known Member
those plants are lookin boss man i cant wait to see the buds, and im pretty sure the swelling is normal for both male and female?......also the stanley can run 24hrs, and they have a 12mth. factory warrenty, so dont be afraid to put that bitch to work.


Well-Known Member
Largest plant is at 9" now. I was thinking about flowering at 12". The plants are a 3-4ft indoor strain, and I dont want to get much larger then 3ft, so taking into fact that plants roughly triple in size I decided 12" was a good time to flower. This wednesday will be 3 weeks, so we will see what happens!

All the colas on the back left plant have come up, so it should have 4 nice top buds when shes done!


Well-Known Member
I received my stanley blower fan today. Just hooked it up now. Its not SUPER quiet but from outside my cabinet I cant hardly hear a thing. Huge difference in how much air is being pushed out the exhaust end. Feels nice. Now I just got to check temps in a couple hours. I Have a feeling Im going to need to make my intake larger.


Well-Known Member
Temp after a couple hours on setting 1 has dropped by roughly 5C already! Turned it up to level 2 to see what happens. Im going to go back out and increase the size of my intake hole so it stops whistling!

Heres some pics of my messy grow cabinet and my happy plants!

Plus I took a mesh trash can and wrapped carbon filter around it with duct tape. Im going to make a lid and hook it up in a week when I start flowering!



Well-Known Member
Ok so I woke up this morning and went to check my temps. 25C!!!!!! FUCK YEAH! that was on setting 2 with the Stanley Blower Fan!

So in total I have my stanley hooked up to my 6" Cool Tube, then exhausted outside. My intake has a 170CFM Inline duct fan hooked up to it. I have a 17" Oscilating fan rotating, another 170CFM inline duct fan also moving air around, and a small 6" high velocity fan blowing on my ballast. Temps are AWSOME!

Pllants look great after one night! Back left topped plant has about 10 Colas poking out now. Cant wait until next week when I can flower, and from there till my next grow with these temps to see how much better they get next time!

Enjoy the pics!

