1000w vs. 600w hps


New Member
hey skunk this grow i am doing is over 1 million 168 thousand lumens :)) no need for 200,000 got it covered m8


Active Member
just remember that lumens are for humans. always look for the best par spectrums when choosing a MH or HPS. With an HPS, don't be sold on too much yellow light spikes. Look for more orange and far red. Same with MH. Look for it to crank in violet/blue more than the green/yellow.


Well-Known Member
what I hear from the guys with big setups that have ran both, is they would rather run 10 600w's over 6 1000w's, you get more coverage with more bulbs and they run cooler so the lights can be closer,

now 10 1000w's vs 10 600w's, take the 1000w

around here lots run on big diesel generators so overall draw becomes an issue
the power draw of 6 1000 watt lights is 6000watts the draw of 10 600watt lights is 6000watts how is the power consumtion any different on a diesel generator. lmao.


Rebel From The North
just remember that lumens are for humans. always look for the best par spectrums when choosing a MH or HPS. With an HPS, don't be sold on too much yellow light spikes. Look for more orange and far red. Same with MH. Look for it to crank in violet/blue more than the green/yellow.
yep people see lumens plants see PAR :)


Active Member
fuck it I went with 2x600w. I was honestly so close to going with 2x1000w but I can't have my electricity bill jump that much.

what what

Active Member
what size room jimmy? 2 by 600 is still cranking out some sun power! If you have the lumatek ballast, super lumen mode bumps the power up 20 more watts!!! Funny but hey, its something.


Active Member
what size room jimmy? 2 by 600 is still cranking out some sun power! If you have the lumatek ballast, super lumen mode bumps the power up 20 more watts!!! Funny but hey, its something.
I have a 2.4m x 1.2m tent or a 4'x8' tent.
9 plants per 600w.
And nah just normal ballasts.


Active Member
Has anyone used a splitter? it gives you the ability to run 2 600w bulbs off of a 1000w ballast??

Hey man! They actually work pretty well. Just understand not to expect the light of two 600w lights. It works good for moving the square coverage of a 1kw light to a more rectangular space. I do not believe they work with digital ballasts and only use sunpulse bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I struggled with this decision when I was outfitting my room... Personally, I'm still not 100% sure I made the correct choice. My room is 8x10 using 4 600's in the magnum xxxl hoods... Got to say kind of wondering what 1000 watters would do, Besides add heat and $ to my bill...


Well-Known Member
1000 watts and 600 watts will pull the same. The difference between the two is coverage and wattage. The light it puts out is still the same. It all depends on what bulb you are using. if you have the same bulb in both lights you will have the same end result because they have the same spectrum and PAR. Lumens don't mean anything, plants are going absorb the same amount of visible light (lumens) regardless of wattage.

The best bulbs I can find are digilux enhanced blue spectrum hps and the sunpulse ones. like most hps bulbs all the peak of yellow and green just lights the room and the plants don't use any of it. Its out side the chlorophyll sensitivity curve. you want high peaks of red, blue and violet and low peaks of yellow and green
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Well-Known Member
Go vertical with 600's. You can save on reflectors and a lot of venting and what not. Plus you might actually hit 2g/watt if you guys are good. :)


Well-Known Member
I have a dr150w 31"x60" I have a quantum 600 ballast and a 600digilux bulb, i still think i could use another 600 in this space. I plan on moving up to a 4'x8' tent. Should i buy a 1000 watt ballast, the splitter and bulbs or just get 2 more 600 ballast and bulbs?


Active Member
im running a 1000w in my 4x4 c02 enriched tent. you can def get a 1000w close like you would a 600..i had a 600w lumatek and sold it for a 1000w..
i hear all the 600w user state that there better because you can get them closer,if not better coverage but not once have i heard about penetration..the 1000w could do what you want it to with the right equipment,,ac..etc. but you cannot supplement penetration with a 600w alone..i know a few big scale growers and they dont tinker with 600w at ALL. i speak because ive run both 600 and 1000watters.

1000 all the way!


Active Member
1000w and 600w will not pull the same,or else we woudnt have this thread...right?

1000 watts and 600 watts will pull the same. The difference between the two is coverage and wattage. The light it puts out is still the same. It all depends on what bulb you are using. if you have the same bulb in both lights you will have the same end result because they have the same spectrum and PAR. Lumens don't mean anything, plants are going absorb the same amount of visible light (lumens) regardless of wattage.

The best bulbs I can find are digilux enhanced blue spectrum hps and the sunpulse ones. like most hps bulbs all the peak of yellow and green just lights the room and the plants don't use any of it. Its out side the chlorophyll sensitivity curve. you want high peaks of red, blue and violet and low peaks of yellow and green
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Well-Known Member
So it's been a huge debate between my partners and I, but I wanted to get some outside info here. 600w lights are great in that you can have 3 for every 2 1000w lights and still be saving money. My roommates think we get almost same yeild and quality, but just from the 2 1000w lights ive used i'm pretty much convinced that, although you maybe dont quite double your yeild, you produce triple a meds and much much more dense buds, with almmost an extra o per girl. Any input from the mass?
I use (multiples of) both in the same room. All of my plants are LST'd and pruned for zero popcorn before flowering. The decision as to which light to use with each plant is strain-dependent. For example, Iced Grapefruit grows relatively short, fat flowers. Toward harvest they look like Nerf footballs. These plants do great user the 600s. OTOH, NL/Blueberry that I grow produces very long, more slender looking flowers. Toward harvest, they look like baseball bats. These do better under the 1000s. All things being equal the 1000s produce more, but things are rarely equal.

what I hear from the guys with big setups that have ran both, is they would rather run 10 600w's over 6 1000w's, you get more coverage with more bulbs and they run cooler so the lights can be closer
Given the choice, I'd run 10x600 over 6x1000 any day. It's because of the heat. Once the garden is scaled above, say, ~4K watts heat management takes on a whole new meaning. ;)

600=buds that are more dense, if light properly utilized, because 600s put off less heat enabling you to put them closer to your buds which means more usable light at the canopy.
No. Just no. No way, no how, not in anyone's widest dreams.

I have 1Ks sitting right next to 600s, all in a closed-loop ventilation system. If I wanted to, I could run the 1Ks 6-8" above the tops, there's just no point to it.

the amount of light lost to the glass doesn't outweigh the few in you get in terms of getting closer to the plant.
That's not exactly true. The loss due to glass is minimal; however, the reflector itself can make a very substantial difference in the light seen by the plants. I've measured this, as have others, and of course the yields support the idea. Here's a thread with data to look at:

