1000w Grow Tent Setup


Going to be getting a ebay grow tent its dimensions are 57"x57"x76" is it possible to use my air cooled light in this tent? i have 8'' intake and exhaust on my hood, but how will i vent the hood and the tent? i'm getting kinda lost here... Also is this big enough for 1000w light? It is mylar lined fyi.
Just be prepared to get what youj pay for... anyway.. yes that is enough area for a 1000 watt.. venting is gojnna depend on how many fans you have and what kind... what do you have

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
It is going to be a lot of light in this tent, I have never done it, but if you are going to use a sealed reflector (Air cooled hood) and you have a 650 CFM man, I would think you should be ok.

Do a dry run since it sounds like you already purchased the tent.

Set it up and let us know what happens.
1000 watts is alot of light, but alot of light is a good thing. You might want to hang a carbon filter inside the tent, then into your light, then out thru the top of the tent. This way your air will be odor free coming out of the tent. Also when hanging the filter, make sure it is placed high to get all the hot air out, the problem with this is you normally have to mount it into a wall stud that the tent is placed against (TENTS have a hard time supporting the weight).


Well-Known Member
its is noooot too much light, alot of peopl run 1000 watters in 4x4s and your tent is a little bigger than that.. also ther is a cut out holeo on the top of the tent for you to run your inline fan. And why would you have problems vetings? you have a air cooled hood and a inline fan, your setup seems fine


Have not bought the tent yet, i've seen various sized on ebay. was looking at the 4.5' x 4.5' x 7' and a 76''x76''x76'' any suggestions? also i will be running a few sets of T8's for the sides


Have not bought the tent yet, i've seen various sized on ebay. was looking at the 4.5' x 4.5' x 7' and a 76''x76''x76'' any suggestions? also i will be running a few sets of T8's for the sides
im runnin a 1000 watt hps for flowering and im shopping around for a tent too, im debating between the 4'x4' and the 76"x76" as well so any advice would help me too.....im just afraid if i get the 76" x 76" the 1000 watt wont be sufficent lighting...... ill follow the thread