1000W General Organics Grow ft. Plushberry & TGA Genetics


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone starting a new thread on my Plushberry grow

Room: 14'X12
Lights: 200W T5HO for clones & seedlings
1000W MH for veg
1000W HPS for bloom
Air Movement 800 CFM CanFan Max inline exhaust fan
2X 16" oscillating fans
25 pint dehumidifier
Medium Premier Promix BX 50% , Gaia Green Living soil blend 50%
Atmosphere: Outside lights 72•F 60% RH
Under lights. 82•F 45% RH
Misc Plants will be topped and trained to increase yield and better promote airflow through my canopy.
:peace: for now gottabongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You'll be stoked about the PB's, I got 4 females out of a 5 pack. 1 is short, colorful and smells like candy or pink lemonade concentrate or something. other 3 are larger, all except one exhibit color (either purples or pinks or both). 2 have sweet candy berry pink lemonade type smells and others have more of a kushy smell and taste but yield quite well also. The three have decent stretch when you flip to 12/12 and the indica pheno doesn't stretch.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad to be hearing nothing but good things about Plushberry. I had a hard enough time at the bank picking my gear as it was , considering he was fully stocked with TGA. So needless to say I ended up with PB, The Flav, Agent Orange and a pack of Cheese Quake I donated to the wife's stepmom gonna be grabbing some cuts for myself once I help her get up and goin tho. I'll have some pics up soon hopefully showing my progress so far. I'm actually about a month into veg. The PB's are at about 12" and were topped a couple days ago. They're bouncing back nice and i'm starting to see some new growth on the secondarys. I've also LST'd my KTrain and Darkstar to try and keep everything growing nice and even. I tried an experiment cloning with my 550 ppm well water and the plants didn't like it too much (go figure!) anyway it weeded out the weaker plants I guess and I ended up with a 25% survival rate lol. I started to see some retarded growth on them, some have shook it off others haven't yet but they all still look like contenders and the PB are having no problem catching up to the clones. Sorry to drivel on but I'm at work with nothing to do until 3 when I get to go play with my girls again. Anyway better go back to :sleep: I mean work lol


Well-Known Member
Just LST'd the PB and re-LST'd the K-Train all PB have bounced back nicely from their haircuts and are looking good


Well-Known Member
Wow your ladies look incredible! kudos!!!
I just started with the GO line myself how do you like it so far? First time with it? when you say two weeks veg do you mean from the day you dropped seeds in water/PT or into soil? just trying to get an idea of where mine should be at? stop by check mine out if you have a min!

bongsmilie Cheers
Hey man thx for the compliments man their lovin the GO nutes! I used it on my 2 auto blueberries so my sEcond grow with GO. everything seems to love it so far. It's a pretty solid nute lineup IMO. Much easier than running Advanced for mixing. And when i say 2 weeks veg I mean from when I think they've established themselves usually a week from breaking the surface. I'll check ur thread first thing man! Peace for now