1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Well-Known Member
not sure as i havent gotten my meter yet, waiting on some funds :)

i have some pics in my last thread ill just link that,

https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/556898-600w-multi-strain-grow-16.html post #158
I would spend the seven bucks on a real lid pot for those or this could happen....like it did to me :( the frickin net is tied to the ceiling cause it got too heavy and busted through the top. I smashed the lid a bit trying to get it back through. And the hydroton is bulging out the net to the point where it looks like it could explode. She looks like a whiskey barrel with the bulge.



Well-Known Member
Alright managed to get over to my grow today, finished up transplanting so everything is in its final container. I think 2 more weeks in veg and ill be ready for the flip. I still have alot of vertical room so im in no hurry to flip them as im going for a full room this round, see what this 1k watt can do!!

I did some LST today and topping/FIM not sure which just kinda kut it where i though was a good spot and called it good, who know might have not done anything except cut the tips off some fan leaves lol :eyesmoke:

got some $$ today so went out and grabbed some more supplies for my soil, 2x happy frog and a 8lb bag of fertilizer.
its funny because people think that a good light is a large amount of $$ invested in a grow but i tell ya i have more money invested in soil and nutrients over the past 2 years than lights :dunce:

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and heres what everyone wants so ill get to it.....but first a pic of the clones :P

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Alright for real now....

but before i get going let me explain. First i took a pic of the whole plant, then another angle then a pic of it after i tied er down so after the Kandy Kush there should be 3 pics of each strain except the FCJ as its from clone and already tied down.

up first is the Kandy Kush....which is showing preflowers now :) :) ITS A GIRL!!! my only non feminized bean so kinda happy about that. though some nice genetics in some pollen i wouldnt turn away either.


and heres the White Widow x Big Bud


Critical Kush


Blueberry Gum...Ok so i LST this one and it didnt look so good so i untied her and topped. figured if its blueberry dom then it will like the cuts. and the stem on this plant is thick as fuck..


And the white lavender


and the blue OG


heres a re vegged bagseed that just wont go away. its the old mans whom house im growing away and i told him i would grow a clone out from it. terrible strain in my opinion be he fell in love with it because he grew the mother from seed, you guys know how it is. he is definatly becoming more educated though on medical grade and i have convinced him to stop germing seeds and just start rolling out some clones of my genetics so hopefully after this bagseed and 2 others in flower right now that will be the end of bag seeds in my grow room.


Fruity Chronic Juice clone, i have 4 of these that are all about identical, they are starting to lose thier weird leaf structure from re vegging


heres a pic of all the girls in thier 6x4 room about where they will finish out, maybe spread out a bit more than they are now though.


and we cant forget the Cosmo's and morning glories...they have feelings too. My morning glories are yellowing. I find it hard to believe they are N deficient but thats sure as hell what it looks like.....


and last but not least the flower cab, i only took one pic as it hasnt changed at all since the last bud shots i took and i knew i had a bunch of uploading with the veg room.


and there it is.....


Well-Known Member
Alright managed to get over to my grow today, finished up transplanting so everything is in its final container. I think 2 more weeks in veg and ill be ready for the flip. I still have alot of vertical room so im in no hurry to flip them as im going for a full room this round, see what this 1k watt can do!!

I did some LST today and topping/FIM not sure which just kinda kut it where i though was a good spot and called it good, who know might have not done anything except cut the tips off some fan leaves lol

got some $$ today so went out and grabbed some more supplies for my soil, 2x happy frog and a 8lb bag of fertilizer.
its funny because people think that a good light is a large amount of $$ invested in a grow but i tell ya i have more money invested in soil and nutrients over the past 2 years than lights


and heres what everyone wants so ill get to it.....but first a pic of the clones :P


Alright for real now....


Well-Known Member
Depends on what soil/nutrients you use =)

One of those clones is standing straight up. Has it rooted?
sorry didnt go into much detail about the clones.

none are showing roots through the rockwool. i picked them all up today and looked. i wont pick them up again till next weekend. hope by then i have some roots. using clonex solution, no mold and they are all still nice and green so i hope they make it. I really havent had much luck with my cloning to be honest. i built 2 aero setups and they werent working. Now im onto rockwool and clonex in a propogator and last batch i had a decent rate like 75%. im hoping this run i have 90+%


Well-Known Member
soo i dont care for the pheno of the blueberry gum so i think im going to pop another bean today and possible get it into the hydro unit. hopefully it can have a chance to catch up to the rest in the hydro system. figure i have 3 weeks veg left so if i can get a seedling into that 5 gal DWC then it should catch up to the soil plant or at least give me enough to make a judgement of the pheno. i will of course keep the other one till its done and make my final decision once i see the end results .

what do you guys think?