1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

Read the back of the label, it's actually made from unicorn semen, explains the price.
well shit unicorn semen must work..out of curiosity I know you said you wanted to buy a kinda all in one treatment for later use...look at azatrol...I haven't personally had to use it but I"ve heard it's A) organic and good right up until harvest B) supposedly it's all in one but again this is going by reviews and whatnot.
Turned the lights on about 30 min. early on the plants, no they wont herm out on me. I just couldn't wait any longer to take care of the mite problem.

Floramite is some pretty concentrated stuff, used 1/8th tsp. per liter and sprayed the bottom and tops of all the leaves. Still have the Hot Shot strip up and I sprayed with the Safer Soap last night before lights out. If this doesn't rid me of the mites I don't know what will.


F**k t0rn..... it really is the borg.... i can't believe you're still battling this!!! Red ladys, red ladys red ladys my brother....!!
I will be getting the lady bugs as a preventative after I take the strip out, no doubt, still trying to figure out how I'll keep them in there. I guess a food source is good enough.

Was reading around about peoples experiences with lady bugs and although they are good at what they do they can't wipe out an entire infestation, the borg just replicates too fast.
nice shit, im def tuned into the outcome of the Giesel.
Best of luck bruh

Thanks man~ might as well say today is like 1 week for flowering on the Giesel, the mites made it so the plant was stuck in week 1.

Good news! Just came from the magical garden and there are 0 mites living in there now. I spent a good 20 min trying to find one moving, not a single one survived. I am taken back by the amount of eggs there are under each damaged leaf. I'll be watching closely over the next week or 2 to see if the hatch-lings die like they're supposed to. Floramite is supposed to work for about 30 days per application. It should be a one shot one kill kind of deal, we'll see.
You just get a bunch of the beetles, let them do their thing, most of them will fly off or die out, but whatever... they're ladybugs. Once they have had a chance to decimate the population to just a few then you'll have a pretty good grip on them.

The only way I know of to effectively remove them from a room, for good, without a chance of return is the use of CO2. You literally suffocate them at 5,000ppm (5%) CO2. You take the CO2 up to that 5,000 to 10,000 mark and leave it there for 20 minutes. Do this every other day for 10 days. This will completely eradicate nearly every pest. The plants aren't going to die, but it's not like they love it either. It is a good idea to do this during the night period when respiration rates are lower and the CO2 increase doesn't do too much harm.

Barring that there is really very little you can do to find and kill every last egg, larva, and mite running around that place. It only takes two of them to replicate to ungodly levels.

It is unfortunate... but I personally would probably trash the entire grow room once you harvest everything in there. Wash what you can in bleach, walls, floors, lights, fans. Throw away all the coco and planters and harvest all the plants. Clean it out completely and start fresh from seed, do it yourself and do it right, maybe you'll manage to save up a little cash between then and now and make some improvements also.

Sucks so hard... Damned Borg. Fucking Replicators. Glad to hear that the sprays are working but you really need to keep an eye on those eggs. I'd wipe them off with a wet paper towel personally.
Sucks so hard... Damned Borg. Fucking Replicators. Glad to hear that the sprays are working but you really need to keep an eye on those eggs. I'd wipe them off with a wet paper towel personally.

Supposedly the plant intakes the Floramite and kills the bugs as they eat, we'll see though.

Really wish I read this yesterday as the paper towel idea seems pretty solid. At the moment I don't want to go in there and wipe the Safer and the Floramite off the leaves, but in 3-4 days I want to respray the plants just to feel a little more confident that they're gone. When I do spray again I'll wipe all of the leaves clean and then spray. I'm just glad I'm so early into flower and not spraying shit on the buds.
Hmph, was lied to. Floramite isn't a systemic product, it does however work for 28 days. I might want to look into some Avid for the future.
It's with a heavy heart that say the Giesel didn't make it. The 3 clones I took from it as well are doing quite bad in the clone dome (wilted and yellow).

I couldn't let it sit in the grow room any longer with the amount of mites that it did (possibly sill does) have. There are literally thousands of eggs on the plant and I'm lucky enough to have caught the other plants in the room early enough to not have a full blown infestation on those as well.

Although it does suck there are 2 very healthy plants now chomping at the bit to take its spot (Green Crack and another Hog). I'm thinking about putting them in this Friday but that will eff up my perpetual cycle of 2 week intervals. The thing is they are getting pretty large at a pretty quick rate now and I'm not going to be topping them before I toss into flower. I've actually topped both of them twice now and the secondary nodes are now caught up. I topped them once (just pinched off the tippy top growing node) to get 2 stems out of the top. Then I topped them again (the 2 tops I created) at the 3rd node as they were growing out.

This should give me many tops on the plant as it flowers as the secondary nodes have now caught up with the top of the plant.
oh t0rn.... so sorry! Don't give up on the clones... those little f**ckers can look half dead and then 2 days later be fine.... they're just f**king with you. And I want to hear all about your Green Crack - I hear its a great strain to smoke, but tougher to grow....?? Keep us posted.
I told you dude. Infested plants just aren't worth it. Live and learn :)

Sounds like everything is going to be okay though, and that is what is important.

If you're concerned about size flip them to flowering as soon as possible. I always wait like a week too long, my plants are smashed on the 1000w lamp right now, I have to drop the tables down by sawing a few inches off the legs to get the distance right now. You can see where it gets under lit because the light is just too damn close to the canopy. Don't run into this problem :)