1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

Make sure you are spraying the bottom of your leaves with water often. This will knock the little buggers off the leaves and the increased humidity at the leaf level is bad for them.

Lady bugs for the win! I can sit there and watch them mack down mites all day long. It is brutal how efficient they are as killing machines. Nom nom nom.

I'm stuck cloning all day today (as I was yesterday). 15 plants... 3 clones per plant... 45 clones total... way more work than I'd expected... Find myself some keepers eventually though.

How's your flowering chamber going t0rn?
Wow sounds like you have a busy day crash..t0rn I would also try soapy water....seems to keep the lil buggers at bay
I didn't have the problem till I got my friends Giesel mother, it came with the borg. Wasn't any bug issue before that other than the occasional gnat.

Sorry t0rn - you said that in your previous post - I forgot this borg was "delivered" to your farm. Oops

I'm thinking that in the future I'll give them some sort of inoculation of an anti-bug/mold/fungus product right before I put the in the flowering chamber. I like lady bugs, I'll probably be getting some after this current battle is over, they would die in there right now with the strip up.

Lady bugs will do the trick! hear they can consume up to 1000 mites and eggs in its lifetime. How is that HotShot No-Pest Strip working for you? any results? im going to pick up some Neem oil tomorrow at the local shop to coat my ladies up nice! ill post the results after the treatments!

HMK024 - +rep for validating my lady bug claim... thank you.

Make sure you are spraying the bottom of your leaves with water often. This will knock the little buggers off the leaves and the increased humidity at the leaf level is bad for them.

Lady bugs for the win! I can sit there and watch them mack down mites all day long. It is brutal how efficient they are as killing machines. Nom nom nom.

I'm stuck cloning all day today (as I was yesterday). 15 plants... 3 clones per plant... 45 clones total... way more work than I'd expected... Find myself some keepers eventually though.

How's your flowering chamber going t0rn?

SNOWCRASH - thanks for your validation too - +rep coming your way. Any I just took 50 clines on Christmas EVe.... my first time ever cloning... it was a bitch - and yes.... a lot of work.
Thanks for the advice on the spraying! I've heard high humidity and low temps make their day sad. I wonder if those lady bugs are in stock year 'round?

I feel you on the cloning, doing it right really does take time. Wiping off tools with alcohol after each plant and whatnot. Labeling all 15 plants and the 3 clones per sounds like fun..

The chamber is going well, all but the Giesel are moving along quite nice with the flowering. It seems like the mite damage takes away a plants ability to flower correctly. The Giesel still looks like it's in the first week of flowering. It's day 18 for the first set and day 4 for the second set of 2 Hog. I'll try to get some pictures up at day 20, pretty much marking the 1/3 of the way.
that unfortunately I couldn't tell you..I basically do about a 1/2 TBS per 5 gallons and just use that water...for 32 ounces..hmm 8 cups..try a drop or two and see if it works..make sure it's environmentally friendly soap though (I use dawn b/c that's what they use on animals during oil spills)
Just a drop or two. All you're really looking for is a surfactant and there's plenty of that in a little dish soap.
I see, so it isn't the soap fucking with them, the soaps just used to make the water thinner. I may put some H2O2 in there as well and see if it fucks with them.

Thanks for the ideas~
t0rn - lady bugs year round.... you can order them online right now at the link i posted. Good luck - and happy afternoon to everyone... this is a busy thread this time of day boys....

t0rn - lady bugs year round.... you can order them online right now at the link i posted. Good luck - and happy afternoon to everyone... this is a busy thread this time of day boys....


Sweet, I'll be getting some in a couple weeks then. I've got a couple Lowes' and Home Depot's in the area, I'll give it a call around and see if they have them in stock. I'd rather not order bugs online and have them shipped, I'd feel bad if they died before they got here and didn't get to crusade their holy war.
reminds me when I ordered silk worms for my gecko online...got the lil buggers (no pun intended) and they stunk to holy hell...200 worms DOA...I agree with getting them local.
Just sprayed the plants down, concentrating on the badly infected one. Used a couple drips of soap and a dash of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide for a little extra umph. I'm reading that soaking a couple cigs in water over night makes a pretty killer tea for the mites.
Here's a little pic update, day 17 of flowering. Only measurement I got (pretty dunk/stoned) was on the Panchota. It's 49 inches tall and has grown 8 inches in the past 4 days.

Panchota 49":





2 more Hog, 4 days flowering:

Vegging, to be added next Friday, 1 Green crack, 1 Hog. Also plan on taking clones the day I send them into flowering;
Green Crack:

Misc veggers; 2 Panchota, 2 Kryptonite, 2 Poison, 1 Banana Kush (party cup), 3 Mexican bagseed:


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The 2 at the bottom are the Kryptonite, don't know why they didn't upload normal like :/
Just a quick one about the mite problem, a cool friend of mine kicked me down with some Safer Soap, and some Floramite.

I sprayed the Safer Soap tonight to kill any stragglers not massacred by the Hot Shot strip (which I have hanging from the reflector now). I also got some Floramite from the same friend and I hope these 3 methods combined work against the little fuckers. The floramite is supposed to work itself into the plant tissue and when the mites feed on it they are supposed to die. Works for like 3-4 weeks straight on the Floramite.

I plan on spraying the Floramite tomorrow morning when I wake the ladies up, sprayed the Safer Soap tonight before I put them to bed.

sounds like you have the mite problem under control...how did the alcohol/soap/peroxide work out...I've never heard of using alcohol and was curious was your results were. Also I think that panchotta is going to be a great looking lady..great find..imagine it was bag seed go figure.
The alcohol does kill them, but it's pretty bad for the plant as well. All of the brown stuff on the Giesel is from the alcohol.

Waiting for lights on so I can go out there and Floramite the plants, still need to read up on how to use it correctly, was given to me in a little plastic container.
Turned the lights on about 30 min. early on the plants, no they wont herm out on me. I just couldn't wait any longer to take care of the mite problem.

Floramite is some pretty concentrated stuff, used 1/8th tsp. per liter and sprayed the bottom and tops of all the leaves. Still have the Hot Shot strip up and I sprayed with the Safer Soap last night before lights out. If this doesn't rid me of the mites I don't know what will.

Sweet man, i picked up this product also after using safer soap 3-n-1 ready spray. good results with the safer soap, but this floramite should really take care of the problem for good! No more guessing, now its knowing! Gonna follow up with Neem Oil after the applications of floramite to hopefully rid further and future infestations. By the way, those plants look sexy! nice grow man!