1000 WATT Indoor Tent Grape God Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
So I have a 1000 watt hps in a cooled hood reflector with a 6x24 charcoal filter and a 6 inch inline fine rated at 400 cfm. It goes filter then fan then light then out my grow tent which is a 4x6x8 grow tent. I have 20 clones of Grape God in 1 gallon pots and they are one week into flower. I will be transplanting them into 3 gallon pots soon. Then I will start either another 10 or another 20 clones at that point.

Here's some pictures I took today any comments or suggestions are welcomed:



Well-Known Member
Planning on re-potting them into 3 gallon pots on monday I will put up more pictures after i re-pot them. These girls are growing quick!


Well-Known Member
I re-potted 12 of them today into 3 gallon pots. I'll do the rest in the morning or tomorrow night. I also have about 16 clones in a dome under 24 hour light. These pictures were all taken today after I re-potted them. The 12 on the left are in 3 gallons and the ones on the right of them are still in one gallon pots. I also got a extra clone of the same strand that was super rooted so I put it in a 1 gallon pot and put it in with the rest that are flowering.



Well-Known Member
Slept in this morning so I didn't get a chance to re-pot the rest so i'll do the rest tonight and put up pics after i've done that. The 12 I transplanted yesterday are all looking great and didn't show a single sign of stress from the transplant :)


Well-Known Member
Ok re-potted 4 more into 3 gallon pots. The other 4 are smaller and aren't ready for 3 gallon pots yet. In the picture of the 5 smaller ones in the one gallon pots you can see at the bottom on the right the extra clone I planted yesterday. My 16 little clones are all looking healthy as well. Today marks one week of flowering I can see the buds forming. Here's some pictures I just took after transplanting these 4:



Well-Known Member
Thanks man I'm pretty excited with it so far! This is the line up I got going right now for nutes. The two from the organic line have to be fed separately so I switch off every other watering.



Well-Known Member
Watered them with today with the bio marine and bio bud only. Man that shit smells gross but the plants seem to love it. Here's some pics from tonight right after lights on:



Well-Known Member
Well it's been a couple of days since I last updated the girls are doing great. Getting real tall glad i switched to flower when I did. There's lots of bud spots can't wait for them to plump up!



Well-Known Member
Been a little bit since I updated I was camping up at Bass lake. They are starting to bulk up nicely! They are in their third week of flower. Not much to say I'll let the pics do the talking. Also just put in 10 clones of Tule Fog in one gallon pots to keep this perpetual grow going. No pics of them yet I'll get some next time.



Well-Known Member
So it's been almost 5 weeks since I updated on here. Monday will be 8 weeks from flower. They are bulking up nicely i'm probably gonna give them one or two more waterings with nutes and then start flushing. My Tule Fog is doing good they are 4 weeks into flower now but much smaller since I put these into flower right from clone. Today I picked up 10 clones of Lavender and planted those. I added some racking in my grow tent to raise the height of the smaller plants so I have all the Tule Fog on there now as I feel like they weren't getting enough light down below. Had a small issue with spider mites on two of the Tule Fog but I believe I killed them all and have gotten rid of them. I put some neem oil on the leaves and since then I've been putting a couple of pounds of dry ice in there about once a week when the fans are off and I seal the tent so I hope that helps kill any bugs that might be in there by lowering the oxygen levels. Here's some picks from today enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
the Grapegod's are all in flush now. Only a matter of days before they are ready to be harvested. I re setup the racking in there so I have 3 different height levels. This allows me to have most of the plants the same distance from the light throughout the growing stages. The bud pictures don't let you see the colors too great because the light is on but they are bulking up super fat!IMAG0701.jpgIMAG0698.jpgIMAG0702.jpgIMAG0699.jpgIMAG0700.jpgIMAG0704.jpgIMAG0705.jpgIMAG0703.jpgIMAG0706.jpg