1000 Things to do while stoned


Well-Known Member
620. lift weights
621. lift a bitch out of a boat at 5:20 in the fuckin morning,
622.take a cool shower.
623. eat some eggos


Well-Known Member
631. wonder if this thread has will ever hit 1000 things
632. Wonder how pointless and uncreative the responses have become.
633. remember to not give a shit


Well-Known Member
635.Fly a kite
636.Tag up a wall
637.Kill a crow with a pellet gun
638.Tie a noose around its neck and hang it up in your homies baccyard
639.make your bed
640.go to the lake


Well-Known Member
641. skate in a bowl
642. go for a bike ride
643. yell at the cops
644. go get smokes
645. banish satan back to his room
646. let satan out of his room
647. make a new friend


Well-Known Member
648. smoke a few fat 1s early on a sunday morin round up the troops and get a day out on the scrams and quads for a good mucky session ..
649. half way threw your mucky session on the bikes take abit of tym to smoke some more and fire up a bbq .
650. after bbq draws straws to find out what unlucky person will be going to get all the drink / tent / more weed for the camping trip at the end of the day