1000,600,or what?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i like that setup...and yeah im pretty much set on the 2 600w for the room. i made my mind up today while i was on shift at work. and yeah im def gonna get some bombass bulbs and ballasts after my first grow. but for the first time im gonna just buy one of the glass covered ballasts from htgsuppy online. im so glad my friend gave me this site its the best thing that has ever happened to me online.
and for the vegging i made my mind up today im pretty sure im gonna stick with the t5's and im gonna have a third tent for my mothers so maybe i can move production up a notch if i see it fit once i start. im pretty excited about this guys....cant wait to start growing. Trust me youll see it on here.lol
to bad i decided to grow while im overseas guys......damn this wait seems like forever and its only been a month!!!!


Active Member
1000watters are more prone to explode if water gets on them, plus there so hot you have to have them further away from top canopy than a 600 losing lumins.