100% Pure Landrace Columbian Gold. Where can I get the seeds?

Jgerlitz, you're definitely right about landrace sativas being qualitatively different in effect than most modern hybrids.

The problem here is that landrace strains, by definition, do best in their native climates.

Its a combination of temperatures, light, humidity, soil conditions, etc. Some (including DJ Short, famous breeder of the Blueberry stain) believe that SEEDED weed has a different cannabinoid profile, and therefore effect profile, as modern seedless. Stuff grown in the mountains gets more UV light, and is also better than stuff grown at sea level.

So even if you are an experienced grower, unless you happen to own a timeshare in the Columbian mountains, any Santa Marta you were to grow probably wouldn't be quite as good as the stuff you remember from the late 70s.

You can't make a proper Bordeaux with the grapes grown in your backyard.

If you are NOT an experienced grower, know that its more than just long flowering times that makes these strains challenging to grow. First of all, the growing season in most of North America simply isn't long enough to grow these strains outdoors. The frost will come and kill your plants weeks to months before they are ready for harvest. You might be able to grow outdoors if you are growing in a greenhouse or in a place where there is no frost. .. but most people don't have that option.

Growing indoors, these plants LOVE to stretch, again, making them challenging to grow in typical small spaces without extensive and careful training.

Thanks for the input. Looks like I will just have to take a trip to the country of origin to find the stuff I want :-/
Thanks for the reply. It's nice to see other folks agreeing the highs have changed. Good luck with the White Widow
The long cycle of these sativas requires the use of "clean" water ─ distilled or rainwater, when growing them indoors . . .
Distilling tapwater will surprise by the amount of insoluble salts that build up in the boiling flask!
I'm currently doing OTH, their offspring, and PH and often do a "raindance" to obviate distilling (pita)!
I don't think this is nearly the issue you imply. First of all, this hotter-than-normal year excepted, its typically not quite that hot every day in most of the South.

Average daily peak summer temps for the hottest month of July in Atlanta GA, Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, and Miami FL are 89, 92, 91, and 90F, respectively. In Dallas TX July averages 96F (ouch!).

Meanwhile, typically these sativas grow in tropical/equatorial climates where hottest month average daily summer temperatures in the mid 80s are the norm. Though its usually a little cooler, it can even get that hot in the Columbian mountains where the Santa Marta "Columbian Gold" is grown.

So while most of the American South will be a little hotter than "ideal" during the hottest months of summer, I don't think the difference it going to be enough to ruin a crop. The main thing is just to make sure they get plenty of water when its hot out. Even if the plants don't do as well at 100 as they would at 80F, they're going to be in vegetative growth then, when it isn't going to matter as much. By the time they start flowering into late summer/fall, it will be cooler outside.

With respect to temperature, the biggest difference between most of the South and the tropics/equatorial zones where sativas come from, isn't the absolute heat in the summer, its actually the difference in the WINTER.

In the tropics, you're typically not going to get below 50F, even in the coldest parts of the winter. It literally NEVER gets to freezing there (ever) or even all that close, and in general the temperature variation between the coldest parts of the year and the warmest is quite a bit less. And I think that is one big reason why truely tropical grown plants are going to be better.

Since this thread popped back up....

Yes those are "average" temperatures, but it is very common for each of those cities listed to have 1-2 week stretches of 100+ temperatures, several times a summer. Generally around the first of June there will be a heat wave that can go up to 110 degrees for a week or two, then drop back down. Mid August it is hitting 100 degrees regularly.

And while I do completely agree with the winter being the biggest problem, summer temps can be an issue as well.

I will also note that due to global warming the south summers have been much more mild the last couple of summers.
I think Reefermans Santa Marta CG is 100%.....
Reefermands are inbread. I think the 75/25 version, is closes as you will get, these are mostly that way, because of time with the wind blowing and the birds flying, all things have change since the beginning. Mother nature has change us all. If you can find you a pin pal from Colombia, you might get them to send you a few seeds from the santan marta region. And like I said, Mother nature has change them in the last 6 to 10 K years.
Probably NOT. Its not a question of how many months, per se.

Cannabis plants will only start to flower under restricted light conditions. Specifically, they need 10+ hours of uninterrupted darkness per day in order to flower and maintain flowering. If they are outdoors during any part of the year when light times exceed that amount, they either won't flower, or will "unflower" and go back into a growth/vegetative non-flowering mode.

So, if you were to put your plant outside in Februrary, it would immediately start to flower, since you have less than 12 hours per day of light. Then with the approach of spring, the days would get LONGER, and before your plants would be ready (that would be around June), the longer days would make the plants "unflower", or go back into vegetative growth, ruining your harvest.

Now, *IF* you were growing in a greenhouse or other enclosed setting, you could artificially shade the plant for several hours per day in summer, restricting it to 12 hours per day of light and then, yes, you could complete flowering in the summer. But again, most people don't have that ability.

Barring that, once the plant "unflowered" going into the summer, it would then start to flower AGAIN, in maybe August or so, as the days got shorter and the autumn came.

Now here is the issue. Some of these tropical sativa-type plants require fully 16 weeks to flower to ripeness. In most of the USA you'll get frost before December, and that can severely damage your plant, ruining your crop.

Bottom line is, again, unless you live in an area with NO FROST (which does include parts of the South. . .though not all of it), then you probably won't be able to grow these pure Sativa plants to completion in a regular outdoor setting.

Long flowering sativas finish just fine in N. FL... oldtimers haze.. double thai... Tom Hills original haze... Colombian black...
last year we didn't have a frost till the middle of JAN... 12/12 starts here on 9/27... most varieties I've grown outdoors start flowering around the middle of August... water supply is a big thing here...
there is the smcg and the smg

smcg that i am growing now is mangeable indoors and mskrs good all sativa buds

smg is crazy long flowering and makes very potent whispy "buds"

i have mentioned this before elsewhere that colombia could not have produced so much weed if they were growing 20 wk whispy lambsbread looking strains..besides ,,the buds we got were fatter and more dense..except for rare almost seedless scrawny bud that was pron .00001 % of the total produce ie.connaiseur stylee

they had shorter, shorter flower sativa's witnessed by 1975 hightimes photo of woman carrying bundle of dense maik cola

dominant bundles

also ..when we used to try to grow them up here..they were not skinny plants..but apex of breeding sativa's..no tey would not flower

but t was obvious they were not the skinny long flower ones

that being said: the onesd we tried to grow out side were not what i am growing now..the colour and leaf shape were different

but this smcg is awesome
Hey everyone. Anyone have any idea who sells pure 100% Columbian Gold seeds from? The only places I see that sell Columbian Gold say they are hybrids of 25/75 indica/sativa. I'm not interested in ANY hybrids as indica's make me tired and dumb.

I remember the strains in the 70's-80's produced amazing highs vs today's couch-lock stupefying strains. Today's strains might be more potent...but the the highs are not anywhere close to what they use to be.

I've come to the conclusion that it's because you no longer see any pure land race sativa's which is what was around in the 70's-80's. It wasn't until the early 90's that I started to see this hybrid stuff come into the market and the immediate drop in the quality of the high.

I realize these breeders are growing the indica's because they yield more and flower in about half the time as land race pure sativa's. But honestly. Everyone needs to try a 100% pure sativa land race, grown properly. You will see they are well worth the 130+ day flowering time.

I wish some of the breeders, especially the people growing for dispensaries, would understand that I would pay triple the amount per gram if they would just grow the good old fun weed. Everytime I go the dispensaries I'm forced into looking at the buds under a microscope, smelling the buds and feeling the texture. This is bogus to me. I don't care what it looks like, smells like, tastes like. The high is what ultimately everyone is after and I believe most people have gotten off track on the whole point of the matter. Some of the best weed I ever smoked was just dried brown leaves with tons of seeds, grown under the sun.

I'll probably get a lot of flack on this post from today's young smokers. Saying to me "hey gramps, the weed was shit in the 70's. The stuff today is way more potent. Your just remembering everything from your adolescence. Everything is more fun when your young."

Well this might be slightly true. #1 - The weed is probably more potent today. But it's not as fun in anyway. #2 - I realize everything might be more fun when your young and carefree but then why don't I see any of today's young smokers having the same effect off the weed as we use to? I go to Hempfest every year, there are tons of young adults there. I don't see anyone on the ground, rolling around laughing their ass off. It's because it's not the same high, I'm telling you.

Anyways, I'm getting of the subject.

So back to my question. Anyone have any idea on who carries pure 100% CG seeds? I've come to the conclusion the only way to get the same old high back will be to grow my own.

I have created that old high in many new strains, soon my brand will be available in stores
Hey everyone. Anyone have any idea who sells pure 100% Columbian Gold seeds from? The only places I see that sell Columbian Gold say they are hybrids of 25/75 indica/sativa. I'm not interested in ANY hybrids as indica's make me tired and dumb.

I remember the strains in the 70's-80's produced amazing highs vs today's couch-lock stupefying strains. Today's strains might be more potent...but the the highs are not anywhere close to what they use to be.

I've come to the conclusion that it's because you no longer see any pure land race sativa's which is what was around in the 70's-80's. It wasn't until the early 90's that I started to see this hybrid stuff come into the market and the immediate drop in the quality of the high.

I realize these breeders are growing the indica's because they yield more and flower in about half the time as land race pure sativa's. But honestly. Everyone needs to try a 100% pure sativa land race, grown properly. You will see they are well worth the 130+ day flowering time.

I wish some of the breeders, especially the people growing for dispensaries, would understand that I would pay triple the amount per gram if they would just grow the good old fun weed. Everytime I go the dispensaries I'm forced into looking at the buds under a microscope, smelling the buds and feeling the texture. This is bogus to me. I don't care what it looks like, smells like, tastes like. The high is what ultimately everyone is after and I believe most people have gotten off track on the whole point of the matter. Some of the best weed I ever smoked was just dried brown leaves with tons of seeds, grown under the sun.

I'll probably get a lot of flack on this post from today's young smokers. Saying to me "hey gramps, the weed was shit in the 70's. The stuff today is way more potent. Your just remembering everything from your adolescence. Everything is more fun when your young."

Well this might be slightly true. #1 - The weed is probably more potent today. But it's not as fun in anyway. #2 - I realize everything might be more fun when your young and carefree but then why don't I see any of today's young smokers having the same effect off the weed as we use to? I go to Hempfest every year, there are tons of young adults there. I don't see anyone on the ground, rolling around laughing their ass off. It's because it's not the same high, I'm telling you.

Anyways, I'm getting of the subject.

So back to my question. Anyone have any idea on who carries pure 100% CG seeds? I've come to the conclusion the only way to get the same old high back will be to grow my own.

There's a strain that I grew out called Destroyer, it's 100% African landrace sativa, also another excellent strain is Somali ghost train Haze buy seeds man
An excerpt from a 40 year old DJ short article pasted below, also: I'll recommend you try Bodgi Red Lotus...I have.
Colombian red X Snow Lotus= very sativa high but with normal flowering times...and do well indoors.
When I first began growing, some 13 years ago; I too wanted the strains I went to High school on...lol
But I had the same results as you see below, and learned quickly that; even outdoors one must choose strains from the same latitude in which their genetics were developed.

Colombian Gold
Colombian Gold came from the highland Colombian valleys near the equator, as well as on the coast (the Caribbean and the Pacific).

This was specialty pot offered commercially in the mid-70's, for about $60 to $100 per ounce. It was seeded, but most of the seeds were undeveloped, white and useless. A few rare, viable seeds were found that were dark, small-sized and roundish. The buds were leafy and the most beautiful golden blond color. Legend has it that upon maturity the plants were girdled, then left standing to die and cure in the mountain sun and mist.

The color and cure were unique, and the aroma, flavor and high were equally so. The smell was that of sandalwood incense, almost like frankincense. The flavor was that of a peppery cedar. It was some of the most unique tasting herb in the world, and the high was just as exciting. It was truly psychedelic, powerful and long lasting.

First came the great flavor, then the stupefying awe of the shift in consciousness followed by a giddy excitement and bursts of joyous laughter. Smile-lock and red-eye made it painfully obvious who was under the influence of this great psychedelic herb.

The plants from the seeds of the Gold were primarily of Sativa origin. They grew a medium to tall size outdoors at 45°N (Seattle), and were mostly symmetrical. On occasion the symmetry was interrupted by one side outgrowing the other, causing a rounded and bulging tipped bush look. The leaves were long and slender.

When grown in Washington state, the finished product was a sweet, spicy Sativa bud that matured around mid-November. The high was adequate but not as good as the Oaxaca Highland grown at the same latitude. The plants were also slightly hermaphroditic.
Oldtimer's Haze from ACE Seeds is Colombian Gold (according to Phylos). Get ready for 18-20 weeks of flowering ^^

There's a strain that I grew out called Destroyer, it's 100% African landrace sativa, also another excellent strain is Somali ghost train Haze buy seeds man

Is it about CBG's Destroyer? If so, the breeder gives other information about the origin of this strain.