100% Higher Theory


Active Member
Ok. So, i've come to realize that i have been WASTING a good amount of pot. Any smoke that comes out of your mouth after you hit it, is a WASTE. If you dont zero your hit,then your a waster. plain and simple. think about it, when you hit it, id say id probably hold it in 40-60% of my capacity, but really if i just hold that shit in EVERY time, i get 100%. SO, that being said. quit fucking wasting marijuana and hold yo shit, get higher, dont waste. smoke weed everydaybongsmilie


Active Member
You know theres always someone who thinks he can take 'big' hits. So someone will rip a bong, hold it in for a good 2 seconds and out comes all the smoke, youll hear someone go " damn, that was a big ass hit " , NO that was a big ass WASTE.


Well-Known Member
yea i sick of people coming around and wasting my weed think i might have to start handing out bags as they walk threw the door


Well-Known Member
a massive hit is when u take a massive and hold it for like 10sec and breathe out clear exuast,thats how its done.


Well-Known Member
I like the way you think.

Callin out wasters' as i seem em'

i used to work with this guy. real buzzkill when smoking. first thing is all he wanted was purple. even if i had the best anything he would always bitch if it wasn't purple. he would bitch before he even tried mine. then i'd pack a bowl and gently spark the edge and take a nice hit. i'd pass it while it was still burning. he'd take his full throttle lighter and torch the shit out of it while he sucked like a ............... he'd start choking halfway thru. then cough the hit out while snot came out his ears. then he'd say, this shit sucks. :roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
if memory serves me( mind you i smoke weed EVERYDAY) thc is absorbed in the first 10-20 seconds, the rest is all the nasties we dont want anyway. for a better somke and a higher high, use a vaporizer. that is prolly the highest ive ever been on a limited amnt of weed, but thats just my opinion


Well-Known Member
Something like 90% of the thc is absorbed in your lungs within the first couple seconds, holding it in doesn't do much more just cuts off oxygen making you feel higher. At least, that's what I was told by someone who seemed to know their shit. Never saw any studies.


Well-Known Member
Fuck a 100% hit. my boi's father broke out this bong mask that he designed himself and let me tell ya'll. this thing was INCREDIBLE. U put the mask on and breath normal by pushing the button in the front to get the air in and out, then he lights the bong up and you take your hand away, and breath from out of the bong. the air that you exhale never leaves the mask and you're just breathing your exhale smoke. when i tell you i had 1 only 1 hit and was on the floor about the pass out because i thought that my lungs were gonna collapse. i threw up :spew:and snotted :???:on myself i was coughing so hard, but it was the high of all highs. Man writing this story makes me wanna give my boi's father a price tag on that thing. I know there's a price for everything. Right???


Active Member
I agree can't save every bit plus you are supposed to be enjoying it not worried about it
apparently someone hasn't been low on money before.

just fuckin with ya. my theory got debunked yaya i got it