100% guaranteed method of Identifying Female Seeds!

. . . or so they say.

Has anyone seen this before and attempted to use it? Or has anyone had any success with any method of determining the sex of a seed?

If so, it sure would simplify things later on in the life cycle!

Illegal Smile

I'm dubious. It would be interesting to check some feminized seeds against this theory.


Well-Known Member
Already did no volcano, my seeds are nirvanas feminized ppp amd wonder woman. So far the ones i have growing are girls.

PPP on the left, Wonder Woman on the right.


Brick Top

New Member
. . . or so they say.

Has anyone seen this before and attempted to use it? Or has anyone had any success with any method of determining the sex of a seed?

If so, it sure would simplify things later on in the life cycle!

I have seen it a number of times, and have it both saved and bookmarked, but I have never tested it since I purchase feminized beans.

I had thought of checking all the feminized beans I purchase and see if they fit what is claimed and then possibly checking the beans of people I know who grow regular beans and see if they would try the ones with the perfectly round spot and see if they are all females.

I just haven’t yet since it is not important to me but it would be interesting to find out for sure if the information is accurate or not.


Active Member
hmm I dunno seems like this would be more widely known information if it was true and would be common practice but who knows... Would like to hear of anyone with experience

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
hmm I dunno seems like this would be more widely known information if it was true and would be common practice but who knows... Would like to hear of anyone with experience
I think it's a hoax. The Peron who wrote it doesn't even know how to pronounce or spell hermaphrodite correctly.

Aren't all embryos female, and sex undetermined until about the 5th week?

It can't be this easy

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I think it's a hoax. The Peron who wrote it doesn't even know how to pronounce or spell hermaphrodite correctly.

Aren't all embryos female, and sex undetermined until about the 5th week?

It can't be this easy
not saying the seed thing is right, but if this 5 week thing is right. if you take clones befor the 5 week they all have undetermined sex , under this thery, as long as the clone was taken before the 5 wk then each could have dif. sex all from the same mother. and if this can not be proven then sex is determined at seed

some one who has time and space needs to test this so it could be laid to rest

take clones as extriemely early as possibly to see if the sex will differ, if it does not then i would have to conclude that sex is decided by the father's pollin when it makes contact with the bud and produce a seed just as in every other liveing thing on this planet- im not saying im right, just saying this is what i feel to be right-yes stress can indues male parts on a female
but at the same time hermi is a survivel technic that plant use to continue there blood line -it is known that in human high levels of stress can cause unwanted result in unborn humans(undeveloped organ, lembs,brains, and other things, but humans are much more complex)

ps. i know i cant spell worth shit and im not even high yet,, so go kill yourself, theres gr8 info in there somewhere