must still live with your parents right? Way to go dude.
aha $100 ehh? did mommy give wu zat hundwed dowwa bwill for your birfdway? arez you gwonna bwy a twoy cwar wif all dats moneys?
Sadly this just tells me you are a young kid who should not be on this site but i have no proof but what ever.
My groceries cost more than $100
Yea totally! I don't understand how you could have assumed I live with my parents because I said I got 100 dollars.
no you have to be a kid to be so excited about getting 100 dollars...
Simple...because for those of us who dont, 1oo bucks is a drop in a bucket with a whole at the bottom. If you announce getting 1oo bucks then you most likely dont have a ton of cash lying around. If such is the case and you use all your money to get loaded I can only assume you have no understanding of priorities I. A finacial way, and thus must still be taken care of,ie live at home. I say way to go because what.are you doing on this site, and thats a poor choice of ways to spend cash, especially the pills. Dumbass. Stay away from pills. If you were km y son and I had a full understanding of what you were doing I would give you a quick one up the backside of your head and walk away shaking my head at you.
I'd buy a blow job from a hooker, then buy her some mcdonalds
XD lololololololol no but seriously dont waster 100 dollars on drugs bro grow up and use the money wisely. Just buy a gram and smoke that
I don't live at home, I'm in college. The thread wasn't an announcement about getting 100 dollars, it was about if you HAD 100 dollars what would you spend it on.