10 year old mystery seed journal! man I'm screwed...


Well-Known Member
hey every body,

this is my first grow from seed.
I've had a hydro set up before and used it to get about 1 pound off 2 plants on a regular basis, but I got sic of all the things that went wrong on it, so I'm going to try a soil (indoor) grow.

Seed's background story.
I was at my father in law's place today and he informed me that his ONLY clone had died on him just as he was about to transplant from the clone box to the grow box.

after a while he said that he'd have to wait 2 weeks for his friend to get a clone to him.

Jokingly he said maybe he should try and sprout some of his seeds he'd collected over the years and see if they'd grow...

I told him that I'd try and sprout them for him (thinking they were only a year or so old) and I was so confident that I could do it before his clone was ready I bet him $20.

I then found out that they were OVER 10 YEARS OLD!!!!

oh and he was so kind... he said the second female I get is mine...

what the fuck am I going to do with dead seeds?

Day 1

still just seeds on a piece of paper towel

14 seeds in total.

only 3 even looked hopeful (they were in a seperate bag with the letters NL written on it... northern lights maybe?)

the rest look so bad they have a better chance of sprouting pod ppl then a healthy plant.

well I'll let you guys know in the morning.

I'm not going to post pics until they start sprouting cause we all know what seeds on paper look like.


if any one else has ever had anything to do with OLD seeds, let me know.

and comments are welcome.



Well-Known Member
According to my mentor, place seeds in between paper towels, moisten the towels and put them into a zip bag under some fluorescent lights, if they don't sprout in 7 days (that's the maximum) they won't sprout.

I bet you will win your bet.


Well-Known Member
Soak the seeds in a glass of water over night first. Then, place them in between moistened paper towels and finally, place it all in a tupperware container, placing the container on a shelf (lid on). You should have sprouts quickly. I popped 9/9 my last go around.

p.s.- I don't know if the seed will pop, btw.


Well-Known Member
yea man remember to keep them nice and warm so they'll pop real quick, i'd bet 50$ u can still get them to pop..lol u'd be surprised


Well-Known Member
Get a jar about 500 ml and some distilled water. Fill jar with the distilled water and add a drop of Superthrive and a few drops of rooting hormone. Shake jar vigorously for 5 mins to mix and aerate solution. Insert your seeds, all will float for the first 1-3 hours and then they will start to sink. If some seeds keep floating shake jar slightly to cause them to sink and keep the jar in a warm a place 78f-86F. Check seeds every 3-6 hours. When the seeds crack open and small taproot is visible plant the cracked seeds in preferred moisten medium 1/8"-1/4" deep. Place the containers with the seeds into a plastic bag to keep the humidity levels up keep in a warm area 78 f - 86 F. When sprouts break surface of soil remove from bag place under main growing light.


Well-Known Member

thanks for your input guys, I've got them in between paper towel at the moment in a Tupperware container with my own lil mix of super thrive and a trace nitrate solution.

its what I use for sick clones so I'd say that it'd be good for the old buggers.

I've decided that since this is a bit of an experiment to begin with I'm going to try a new grow strategy that I've been working on.

basically I'm using a good quality potting soil, with a moister booster as a medium.

I've never used CFL before but I'm interested in what I've heard, so I'm going to start off with 2 x 15w for a couple days after they sprout above the soil then go up 1 globe a day for 6days (making 8 x 15w bulbs total).

Grow room and technique
the set up I'm going to use is some what like a sea of green.

I'm limited for space this time round as I don't have money for a decent grow room at this time. (and I'm not going to waist money on something I expect to be of lesser quality.)

I'm just after some start up funds for my new room, so sea of green is sounding ok, I'll only grow them to about 6" before they go into the bloom cycle so they will have WAY less yield, but I'll have more plants to make up the difference.

Expected Yield
I only need a few ounces to get the job done about 3-4 would be good but I'm expecting about 2.

Expected time frame

Grow cycle
I expect them (if they sprout) to take about 12-14 days under a full strength grow solution with a super thrive supplement with 18 hours on and 6 hours off to achieve 6" in hight.

Bloom Cycle
Don't know exactly, because I am not sure of the strain exactly, just cause they say northern lights doesn't mean they are, shit if that was the same with hookers in skirts I wouldn't have had to explain to the cops that I swore she didn't have a penis when I picked her up on the corner that night..... er.... I mean.... 6 weeks is the estimated time.

when I get around to building the grow box I'll post a diagram and specifics etc.

I do have a back up plane if all this fails, I have some other seeds, again don't know what they are, but I know they are fresh and the buds they come from are rather sweet.


Well-Known Member

Unfortunatly I think these aren't going to make it, they still look exactly the same as when I first put them in, although I'll give it 7 days all up before I go getting more seeds.

and I'm going to start rigging up a grow box and a bloom box today.
(I always do this separately that way you get a decent harvest about once every 4-6 weeks.)
I'll get back on here tonight and post any progress and a few photo's.



Well-Known Member
3 Days is not enough time. It was for me but it may take 2 weeks. What temp are you germinating them at? should be fairly high like 86*


Well-Known Member
That should be good just give them time (I scuff the seams of mine before germinating them so mine pop quicker.


Well-Known Member
well considering their quality (or lack there of) and age I really only expect 1 to sprout, I'd love for 3 or more but we can be picky.