I do not flush. IMHO Plants should finish the same green color they have been throughout the growth process. No other colors should appear (no yellow, blue, red, purple light green or yellow) and no loss of any leaves, young or old.
Any color but the natural green color is an indication of nutrient deficiency not flushing. If you want to make buds taste great you cure them, you don't deprive them of nutrients and call it flushing.
Look at any plant tissue sample analysis. The plant matter is chock full of nutrients regardless of any "flushing" you might due. Plants continue to grow not just up until they are harvested but they normally continue to grow and ripen after they are harvested. Some people talk crap about flushed plants producing white ashes and non flushed plants producing black ashes unless plants are grown with organic fertilizers.
A mineral is a mineral regardless if it comes from a prevoiusly stored source or not. Organic nutrients are just mineral nutrients that were stored by a plant or animal in its tissues. IE it is still just a mineral. Nitrohgen in the air is just a mineral regardless if it is taken in by root nodules and turned into ammonia. It is still just minerals. The macronutrients are present in plant tissue in quantities from
0.2% to 4.0% (on a dry matter weight basis). Flushing does not change this appreciably and what little change it causes
decreases potential final potency and yield.
Micronutrients are present in plant tissue in quantities measured in
parts per million, ranging from 5 to 200 ppm, or
less than 0.02% dry weight. These are not removed by flushing at all.
These levels do not vary much except that organically grown plant tissue actually contains more micro nutrients generally so if any thing that would mean if the nutrients caused the bad tastes then organically grown pot would taste worse then chemically grown pot. So there are just a minute amount of fertilizer salts in pot regardless of the method of growth or whether they are flushed or not.
Obviously flushing is doing something to alter the taste that does not involve the fertilizer minerals present in the finished product.
Then there is the is curing/ripening which is that time when the plant converts chemicals. By ripening in controlled storage you can "ripen/cure" them to perfection. fast dried pot tastes nasty. Simply grow under full nutrition until harvest. With small plants such as yours harvest by simply cutting off the roots. Hang until in a cool low humidity are with an exhaust fan until they dry enough they will not immediattely mold in sealed in a jar. Cut down to managble pieces (manicure) that can be put in jars or cellophane bags. The resins do not stick to cellophane, they do stick plastic bags. Cellophane can be bought at any large crafts shops cheaper than buying seal a meal bags. Seal bags and jars, open and leave open a few minutes every two or three days for about 15 to20 days and then open once every 7 to 10 days after that and leave open a few minutes untill they reach the flavor you like and until they are dry enough that the stems will snap instead of just bending.
This method slows the process of drying but greatly improves the taste as the buds use up partially processed chemicals and such. By flushing you are hurrying the process by not only stopping growth but by reversing the process and actually causing needed nutrients (not extra nutrients) to be drawn out of the plants by osmossis. You draw out not just nutrients but about anything/everything else that is water soluble except the calcium.
Concentrations of salts and chemicals dissolved in water simply cross through the roots membrane until the water contains the same concentration as the plants. That is the idiocy of flushing. Use RO water to suck by osmossis all the vital juices out just so you do not have to cure the bud, but can quick dry it and quickly convert over the crystals over to nasty crap. Not me. It took many weeks to grow, so waiting many weeks to cure is just fine.