10' X 11' room

I have a 10' X 11' room with a small closet.
I have only grown with CFL's but now have this. I found a 5' X 5' hydrohut that is priced right so i thought i would get it, havnt yet tho.

What would you guys suggest, i want a mother/clone area, fresh cut clones area, flowering and drying room (maybe the closet?)

Buddget as cheap as you can, i can CL a lot of items cheaper.

Looking for ideas for this please?
rockwool medium
3 1000watters and some t5 floros
paint walls white. get some dividers to separate veg from flower stage.
your room prob only has 1k power safely going to it so extension cords from other rooms.
black out any windows so no light escapes.

create your own supports and buy chains to raise and lower your lights
shit dude just go buy a book lol its all in there. fuck a hydrohut


Well-Known Member
rockwool medium
3 1000watters and some t5 floros
paint walls white. get some dividers to separate veg from flower stage.
your room prob only has 1k power safely going to it so extension cords from other rooms.
black out any windows so no light escapes.

create your own supports and buy chains to raise and lower your lights
shit dude just go buy a book lol its all in there. fuck a hydrohut
I second this.
I've only grown with soil so id like to stick there.
for what i want i don't need more than 1x 1k hps. More seems to be to much work.
I was thinking of doing ebb & flow, 1 hps, no clue on how many plants tho.
I have a grow set up now that's all CFL so this is new, I've read a bit but looking for different ideas that would work.
I can get a used 1k full set up for $100 used, new bulb.
My walls are white now so that's a start. Ceiling is 8' tall.

Any other thoughts/ideas?