10+ weeks into flowering, plants dying, Harvest?


Well-Known Member
Hello again :)

Basically, me and my mate have been growing 3 easy ryders under cfl's. They were 10 weeks on monday.

We harvested the most mature of the three, despite the fact she had hardly any amber trichs but she did have 80+ % brown hairs.

The other two have hardly any brown hairs or amber trichs, but they look like they are dying and will just eat themselves if we leave them. I think the heat has been the problem - 90+ F.

I'll include some pics. They haven't had nutes in a while, as we are all moving house on the 30th and they need to be harvested by then, so they had to be fed on plain water from when they were. All the leaves are basically dead or dying and turning crispy, even the ones that poke out the bud..

Really don't know what to do.. i fear if we leave them they will be fucked, but if we harvest them the quality will be terrible..

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
your plants are fine, no reason to chop early. the fan leaves are dying from lack of nutes as the plant will concentrate on bud growth over leaves if it's short of food near the end of its life. temps haven't hurt you as overall plants looks good. even the 30th might be a bit early but if you have to then that's when to chop.


Well-Known Member
WoW man. I didin't even see a SINGLE trichrome untill picture 6 and then 8.....


I think it's just about time to chop IMHO!

They seem to have sucked up pretty much ALL the nutes from the leaves, means thye're hungry, and have almost nothing more to 'feed' from. SO, time for harvest... lol. It's just weird cuz I don't know if I've ever seen a 10+ weeks flowering AUTO strain..... REALLY weird! My sativas don't even flower that long... I've never grown an auto so I don't really know. I just thought they finished sooner....

EDIT: Oh wait, are they even autos? lol, now I'm confused. DAMN it, sorry guys..... doing to many things at once and smoking and totaly and completely lost my train of thought..... I'll shut up now...


Well-Known Member
Sorry i got the title a bit wrong - they are 10 weeks old, 8 weeks of flowering (well a few days over) And yea they are auto's


Well-Known Member
Sorry i got the title a bit wrong - they are 10 weeks old, 8 weeks of flowering (well a few days over) And yea they are auto's
Ahhhhhhh ok. Makes more sense now

your plants are fine, no reason to chop early. the fan leaves are dying from lack of nutes as the plant will concentrate on bud growth over leaves if it's short of food near the end of its life. temps haven't hurt you as overall plants looks good. even the 30th might be a bit early but if you have to then that's when to chop.
THIS then


Well-Known Member
OK man.. sorry to be the bearer of bad news here but plants don't do that on their own. You've either not been feeding enough or feeding way too much and locked the nutrients out. Clear micro deficiencies at the top of the plant

When did this start happening and what is your feed regimen? Including EC.


Well-Known Member
OK man.. sorry to be the bearer of bad news here but plants don't do that on their own. You've either not been feeding enough or feeding way too much and locked the nutrients out. Clear micro deficiencies at the top of the plant

When did this start happening and what is your feed regimen? Including EC.
It started happening a while ago, we've had a number of problems throughout the grow. Check out my grow diary in my sig for further details.

We were giving them about 2ml/l of bio grow, and about 3ml/l of bio bloom. Not sure what EC is lol..


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like overfeeding then causing nutrient lock out. although i suppose that depends on the ratios of the nutes... but still even then... not really enough to cause problems.

You mentioned the word dying... is that just the leaves or do the plants actually look like they are dying? wilting at the top for example. do the leaves seem limp even though there is water in the medium?


Well-Known Member
With the history of the plants, that's as good as your going to get them. Cut em down, dry it and trade it for top shelf herb. ;)


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like overfeeding then causing nutrient lock out. although i suppose that depends on the ratios of the nutes... but still even then... not really enough to cause problems.

You mentioned the word dying... is that just the leaves or do the plants actually look like they are dying? wilting at the top for example. do the leaves seem limp even though there is water in the medium?
Well basically, there isn't many leaves left to die. They just seem like they haven't progressed much at all recently, pretty much 90% of visible leaves are turning yellow and/or crispy and crumbling off.

With the history of the plants, that's as good as your going to get them. Cut em down, dry it and trade it for top shelf herb. ;)
This is what i was thinking man, they don't seem to be getting any better.

So many conflicting responses though.. really not sure what to do, and i'm having enough trouble drying the one we harvested at the mo :(


Well-Known Member
to reiterate, your plant is just fine, that's what they look like when they're a couple of weeks from harvest and you've decided to stop feeding. yes, you could have kept it green with nutes, and some people swear by doing that, but just as many leave the plant alone in the last couple of weeks and let it eat up its reserves of food.


Well-Known Member
to reiterate, your plant is just fine, that's what they look like when they're a couple of weeks from harvest and you've decided to stop feeding. yes, you could have kept it green with nutes, and some people swear by doing that, but just as many leave the plant alone in the last couple of weeks and let it eat up its reserves of food.
well my point is that he hasn't done this intentionally... so if we can figure it out then it won't happen on the next grow. He also said this has been happening for a while and this will kill the quality of the weed.


Well-Known Member
Well basically, there isn't many leaves left to die. They just seem like they haven't progressed much at all recently, pretty much 90% of visible leaves are turning yellow and/or crispy and crumbling off.

This is what i was thinking man, they don't seem to be getting any better.

So many conflicting responses though.. really not sure what to do, and i'm having enough trouble drying the one we harvested at the mo :(
the wilting is important. are the leaf stems rigid? also the main stem, is the plant firm at the stem or does it feel softish?


Well-Known Member
well my point is that he hasn't done this intentionally... so if we can figure it out then it won't happen on the next grow. He also said this has been happening for a while and this will kill the quality of the weed.
re-read the first post. he stopped nutes because he knew he was going to have to harvest by the 30th. he stopped nutes a couple of weeks early but other than that and temperature has no problems. the plants don't look heat-stressed so no issue there. it will definitely not kill the quality of the weed to keep going - the plant is taking nutrients from its leaves and sending them to the buds as the plant finishes. the buds will continue to fatten up until the plant eventually dies. you have to remember that pot is an annual plant and naturally dies at the end of its lifecycle while sending as much energy as it can to its next generation. as long as the trichomes haven't changed, and he says they haven't, then you will not hurt the yield or quality of bud by going as long as he can.


Well-Known Member
the wilting is important. are the leaf stems rigid? also the main stem, is the plant firm at the stem or does it feel softish?
Sorry i'm quite high lol, i'm sorta confused but if you mean what i think you do then\;

There are very few leaf stems to check as most the fan leaves have died already, and i don't see how to check the ones of the small leaves that poke out the bud. But i think yes the remaining ones are rigid. The main stem (i assume you mean the main cola bit, sorry, high lol) then yea thats still nice and rigid.

re-read the first post. he stopped nutes because he knew he was going to have to harvest by the 30th. he stopped nutes a couple of weeks early but other than that and temperature has no problems. the plants don't look heat-stressed so no issue there. it will definitely not kill the quality of the weed to keep going - the plant is taking nutrients from its leaves and sending them to the buds as the plant finishes. the buds will continue to fatten up until the plant eventually dies. you have to remember that pot is an annual plant and naturally dies at the end of its lifecycle while sending as much energy as it can to its next generation. as long as the trichomes haven't changed, and he says they haven't, then you will not hurt the yield or quality of bud by going as long as he can.
I think i'm gonna take your advice man and leave them for a little while, you seem to know what your talking about :)

Although, as they are at my mates house, i haven't seen them since tuesday, and according to him a lot more of the pistils have now turned brown, so i'm gonna have a look tomorrow and go from there.

Thanks for your advice everyone :)


Active Member
I disagree. I say chop ASAP! Those leaves are burning up right into the buds, just look at the pics. I bet if you pinch those leaves most will be so brittle they just crumble away. They will not mature much more at all..sometimes you just gotta cut and take what you got and try to learn for the next grow.

allen bud

Active Member
OK i have grown EASYRIdER (lowrider#2)and i finished the same way! leaves dieing but no stress,bud fine..so wait it out ..and by the way nice grow very full for a small cfl grow:peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree with desertrat. That's what happens when you flush your plants. I just havested and mine looked the same way and its awesome smoke. Your on the right track my friend.