10 Uknown Soldiers - 7 weeks


Well-Known Member
Looks like next time around will be quite nice ay? I wanna try some chem dog I've heard AMAZING things about the bud. Have to wait till a site starts selling seeds though for that. How long you planning on vegging all these ladies?
I'm planning on getting them all vegged up, eliminating all of the males and having the mothers all set by Augustish. Throughout the summer I'll keep cutting clones from my various mothers both to start new mothers and to donate to the dispensaries. The goal is just to get the strains going so that come winter I can do a perpetual and try to bang out as much as possible while the temps are cooler.

Summertime growing indoors is a real bitch when it can reach temps of 119 degrees outdoors. The energy costs just soar and it's not worth it in my opinion. I would rather work on getting mothers together and using floro's as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
As for the thai super skunk I would trash them. I've follwed three journals on them 1 600w hps journal, 1 400w hps journal, and then one outdoors journal. They take close to 15 weeks to finish from first sign of hairs and inside the yeild is soooooo low its not worth the 15 weeks. Now outside those plants flurish bro. They are deffinately an outdoor strain. And G13 is supposed to be a really really shitty seedbank. I'm doing one of their gigabud's right now that I got for free. She on the otherhand is doing very very very well. I got the 5 pack of the thai super skunk I will not be doing these just saving as a souveniour (sp)


I feel your pain on summer growing its very difficult to control temps.


Well-Known Member
As for the thai super skunk I would trash them. I've follwed three journals on them 1 600w hps journal, 1 400w hps journal, and then one outdoors journal. They take close to 15 weeks to finish from first sign of hairs and inside the yeild is soooooo low its not worth the 15 weeks. Now outside those plants flurish bro. They are deffinately an outdoor strain. And G13 is supposed to be a really really shitty seedbank. I'm doing one of their gigabud's right now that I got for free. She on the otherhand is doing very very very well. I got the 5 pack of the thai super skunk I will not be doing these just saving as a souveniour (sp)


I feel your pain on summer growing its very difficult to control temps.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll just trash'em. I am really going to be workin on Dutch Passions White Widow and the Big Bhudda Blue Cheese.


Well-Known Member
Ya man no problem. I want to try some WW but it they just get to big for what I'm working with right now. The blue cheese looks dank as well should be a fun watch bro I'm looking forward to it.



Active Member
Nice man, I really love the pic of the plant with the purple n' orange leaves. Doesn't look like the nute burn really hurt them whatsoever. Wicked grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice man, I really love the pic of the plant with the purple n' orange leaves. Doesn't look like the nute burn really hurt them whatsoever. Wicked grow.
No, the nute burn was pretty early on and they seemed to grow right through it. I still can't believe all these plants burned at such a low PPM, but these are the things we figure out.


Well-Known Member
I never updated this thread with a link to my new thread. Those beans I ordered are hard at work...check it out... It's in my signature now.