'10 outdoor gurilla grow. 150+ seeds...PICs



and thanks btw slabman i was looking at your threads looks great. we'll have to keep in touch throughout the season and compare


tommorrow depending on how the girls feel, i will bring them outside for 4-5 hours see how they like it

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
You can also brush your hand across the tops of the seedlings couple times per day to toughen them up, also gradually increase there time outdoors by increments dont just give them one big shabang. Hauling water for 150 plants is going to be the most miserable experience of your life and depending on how arid your area is it may become impossible. I'd suggest getting some rubber tubing and siphoning water from the river I have a system I invented but it needs running water let me know if your interested and I can due my best to explain it to you.


Active Member
Yo i don't think it's a good idea to throw money in the woods because that would make someone look for more money and they cud stumble upon your crop


Well-Known Member
The problem with siphoning is that your water source has to be higher than where it discharges. You can't siphon uphill. Now if you have a little pond or a creek that makes some pretty radical elevation changes you could go upstream enough but that's gonna take a lot of tubing.

Yeah watering that many would kill a mere mortal. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
The problem with siphoning is that your water source has to be higher than where it discharges. You can't siphon uphill. Now if you have a little pond or a creek that makes some pretty radical elevation changes you could go upstream enough but that's gonna take a lot of tubing.

Yeah watering that many would kill a mere mortal. Best of luck to you.
bump,subscribed, nice start, ill take some clones!:bigjoint:


well due to slabhead shutting down everything i was thinking lol,i moved closer to the stream. problem now is im in veiw of a road its way off in the distance but still... and i gotta REDIG MY FUCKING HOLES!!!!!:( oh and i just got some super dank bud ima take a pic and post


Active Member
Wat u should of done is bought 20 gallon tubs or a tarp, dig a nice hole and dig small ditches or put it by a hill dig a Y at the bottom of the y is ur water source, sry to say but if ur in a area a lot of ppl grow ur gonna get ripped with that many plants if u just dig 50 or less nice holes and good soil u can get lb per plant at $6000 per pound in my area(dank)
Ull make 300,000 obviously ur going to sell it cause smoking 2 lbs in a year of dank is a feat that's more then 2 grams a day, but ull have 50...
Don't get greedy there's always next year, sell ur shit and save money, hell 300,000 is a lot of money
,u must be young,
ant never heard "young, dumb and fulla of cum"

Patients is key u still got years & years of growing,
just take ur time, y u think all the dope boys got to jail but the old folks that been growing 30+ years never got caught,
150 plants is enough to supply a small county for a cupple months, cops will look for u if they find it, but 50 they cut um down and it'll b on the news at best, they call it guerrilla growing for a reason, b smart don't plant a feild, 2 here 3 there, hell just think about wat ur doing b4 u do it...

Best times to care for your plants is sun down and dusk, dusk is best morning fog gives u cover and the wet ground covers the sound, even old folks don't look outside early in the morning,
Think logical, would u b doing this or that if u were clueless to the plants?...
No when ppl go to work, come home, b seen as little as possible,

Good luck man stay safe, ask old folk growers I this or that is a good idea,
U think Michael jordan learned how to play ball by playing with ppl at his own level or below?...hell naw he was 12 playing 17-18year olds,
Wat I'm tryn to say is they've been there done that, just like ur parents told u while u were growing up, u think u no everything but ur clueless, there cops on this site bra weather u think it or not,
Let me ask u a question how many grows r out there right now that say 100,150 or even 50 plants huu?..not many and the ones out there never harvast and u Don't hear from them again, go ahead and search, this is a business not a game, not a child toy, u will go to jail, 150plants? U don't even no wat ur doing man what dose posting this shit on here do for YOU,?...that's y ur growing right? For u, then y r u taking pictures, and posting them on the Webb? R u stupid? The dea will read this post while there sitting on there comps and say, that kd better listen cause,there not stupid, wake up man in my area 100 plants carrys a min manditory sentence of 25 years, if the dea catches u that's federal,no bond,no probation nothing, ur in prison, and the ironic thing is u posted there evidence, lol...kids I tell u,
Wale up get outa law law land and start using ur head,
300,00 for 50 plant is no joke but ur on here posting $1,000,000 woth of possible crop
And ur just letting it b none, my advice is u delete this thread