10 In my med room

1st time growing in 20 yrs. My how things have changed. I have 5 early mistys and 5 california dreams all 32 days in from putting the clones in fox farms medium. Lights have been 12/12 for 11 days and the E.M.s are giong nuts, short, bushy, stinky and full of little buds. The C.D.s are doing good just dont think they will finish as quickly. My room is 6x6x6 with 2 600 watt HPS lights,full time A.C and venting is done with a can fan and carbon can filter to keep odor down. temps. have been around 60 to 65 w/lights off and 75 to 80 w/lights on. Veg nutes were Dyna-gro "grow" Root Juice Thrive alive B-1 Budding nutes are Dyna-gro "Bloom" Dyna-Gro "Pro-teKt" Thrive alive B-1 Hygrozyme and Im now using a touch of Humbolts Purple Maxx version. The CDs do not like the fert 1/2 as much as the EMs. All seems well so far. Feel free to reply I dont mind at all.:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dont worry as your thread fills out, you will get more responses. Pictures do help. I would love to see your venting solution. subbed
Sorry for no pics yet aint got the right cord says the wife. Anyways had more imp. things to do. Got a HID-2 timer and hooked it up. This thing KICKS ASS. This thing shuts down your lights if your A.C decides to take a shit and your room starts to heat up to dangerous temps.It will also keep your lights from starting right back up hot if power is lost for a couple of seconds so you dont cook your igniter. like I said this thing does KICK ASS. Also scored me a Hannah PH and PPM digital meter. So much easier and more accurate than a couple drops of green shit in a vile of water and then trying to guess what color your looking at. got to go its a late one, It REALLY sucks to drive almost 45 min. one way to see my babys. But it is worth every mile. Will try for pics.this wknd. PEACE ALL!!!