10 days tell death


Active Member
say the plants have max 10 days left tell i kill them, they wont be finished budding thats for sure. is there anyway to increase my yeild by changing something for these last 10 days such as more light or will that just fuck it up? i mean more hours of light.



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

The last 10 days are basically the "ripening phase"... nothing to much to do... just keep her steady at 12/12...

some people believe in..
1. flushing the plants
2. 24-72 hours of darkness
3. harvesting the top of the plant first and then letting the bottom FLOWER for an additional 3-10 days

these are all preferences..



Active Member
the mollases just helps to fatten the buds(and it seems to be a slow process), so right up to the end isn't necessary, imo. i do like to cut off the tops and let the bottoms grow a week or more. more yield = more smiles


Well-Known Member
Im a newb but you def dont want to be adding stuff to your buds when they are that close to harvest, the plants wont have time to convert what your adding to smokeable goodness.

And as far as light goes, def not more, you dont want to encourage any more photosynthesis, let them dark out and harvest just before the lights would have come on during their regular flowering cycle. Maybe drop the lights for the last 24 hours

Wait till the last 48 hours, and double flush the medium. Flush once, wait 30 min for the salts to start to dissolve, flush again. Then wait.

The medium should be dry by the time you harvest but the key for end resin production is the humidity of the room, over the last 3 days try and dry out the room as much as posible, this will cause the plants to develop more resin as protection from the dry air.