10 days in

20130203_123113.jpg20130203_123150.jpgWell, folks. Here I am. 10 days in. still keeping this ol honey under a 125-cfl...probably for atleast 2 more weeks and then switching to 400-MH I put it on the nutes 2 days ago and have seen significant growth. Just want a couple of pro eyes to have a look and let me know what you think...Is the crinkling of that left leaf a concern. From rockwool to top, it's about 3" high. First set of leaves are 3.5" across, 2nd set has sprung out from nothing to 2" in 2 days. Opinions?

Also for the bit of useful information. I do not have a ph/ppm reader. I do daily ph tests and try to keep it in the 5.5-6.0 range and have been giving it cns17 at about half strength. My grow room temp has rose and slid down, but never goes above 85, and never below 73. That's about all the info I can really provide. Let me know guys!


Well-Known Member
The PPM or EC meters are a must. No way to use a drop kit for that. Especially early on if your PPM is too high the plant will stunt and it's often hard to get them going again if left uncorrected for long. A decent one is less than $50.
yeah, man. I'm aware of how much they cost and I intend to buy one. Im not doing the whole grow like this, but I am asking if everything looks fine so far...There's been no sign of stunting. That's 10 days from seed, so clearly my numbers arent too bad and hasn't did any harm. I just needed to make a bit of money before I went out and purchased the meters.
cool, thanks DSOG!...haha that's all i needed to know. When I start doing serious nute additions, rather than like 40% I will be doing daily ppm/ph testing, but as far as this little girl goes. She's been acting great and i've been very cautious and watchful on everything. They grow up so fast. :(
what's upw ith that weird crinkle in the leaves though? is that a sometimes common thing? like i said, im only using a 125cfl for now and its remained 8-10" away


Active Member
Plants do wierd shit don't sweat it. Personally I get em about 2' from good light before starting nutes at 2 weeks. Then again I just found out the last twenty years I spent w/o a meter was a terrible mistake. I wonder if the weed knew it too.
I been trying to get my humidity up, but it surfs around 25% I put a bowl of water in and it still doesn't rise. my place is soo dry! I mean, I guess its better to be a little low then too high, right?


New Member
they just look a little funny. you probably fucked up the rez for a little, if the nutes arent constant, the plants wont grow in a homeostatic manner

keep the water up high by the light. not too close but close enough to let it evaporate it


Active Member
Never got that meter either all I do is try to make room comfortable to me lots of circulation and a little chill in the breeze. Where I live levels are crazy high and low raining 98% not 20%. I water early in their day and let the swamp kick in.


New Member
if its rains..the humidity will be high in the room, that is if youre using the air from outside/in the house, which i bet you are. youre not "making" the air, right? even in a tent, youre only exchaging air from outside.


Well-Known Member
if its rains..the humidity will be high in the room, that is if youre using the air from outside/in the house, which i bet you are. youre not "making" the air, right? even in a tent, youre only exchaging air from outside.
There is a big difference between the RH in my air conditioned house compared to outside in south florida


New Member
of course! but even that air is exchanged from outside, and then conditioned. its just processed through something! the air will still be more humid, the percentage difference? i got no idea..