10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar


Well-Known Member
awsome mate - im sure id seen some of ur specs b4 but my heed wasnt really with it , few doobs and a couple nights well rested and its a whole new story.


Well-Known Member
my prostate has never been milked - but im sure those snaps right there are just as effective!
1day mate . . . 1 sweet day ** fingers crossed**


Well-Known Member
they are lookin really amazing man. Squeeze a bud and put your finger to the screen. Maybe we'll get smell-ah-vision!! lolL


Well-Known Member
hey worm where you been,you crack me up chazel, good newa out of 7 bombs i got 1 male and 1 scrawny female that i killed. all have started flowering.


Well-Known Member
I Been surfing the web looking for some cheap lights so i can get this first grow on , But money is tight right now so im working on it.


Well-Known Member
im not sure man . those 200 watt cfl's cost a few bucks and i can get a 150-200 watt hps for cheaper. if anyone has any idea on where to get cfl's for cheap , please let me knmow, i would love to use cfl's over hps. Not tryna jack your thread m8. Sorry bout that


Well-Known Member
no probs on sharing my thread m8,yeah i only started using them through lack of space , def not the cheapest way to go


Well-Known Member
i think it was around 60 pounds for a 200 plus hood, 30 pounds sterling for just a bulb and 5 for just a holder.


Well-Known Member
now just the countdowon untill they explode :D
whats it like to relive the excitment of christmas approaching every 8 weeks?


Well-Known Member
aye man no doubt , im gona giv fortnight staggering a go at first- tho i hope to maybe get them a couple foot a peice (tho in 8 weeks that shouldnt be too hard)
was considering it weekly at first but with me tryin out hydro id need to flush - so the 2weeks makes it ideal aslong as i have a spare feed for the 1 at the front of the line.
giving soil a try too tho coz ma healths been less than good and id like to be a little less worried about making sure my phs ppm and temps are all in check.
im gona redo my design the now once iv got a brew, so ill stick it up - will probably be a bit ott for u doing soil but maybe get some ideas stirring.

u been gettin much snow? sittin here wondering when the fuck springs is gonna get its arse in gear


Well-Known Member
man you tease , but you tease well ,and with class like burlesque !

i was meaning to say i was gona giv soil a try to aviod all the hassle , but sadly shit fell through-
mighta been a bad idea at the moment with all the sleep deprivation goin on coz last time i was this bad i used my hydro ph water on the largest i had which i forgot was soil . the rest as they say is history. .