10 and 12 fingered Leaves... Does it mean anything?


This month old seedling is from an unknown variety described as "decent chronic with a few seeds in it". I noticed on the 3rd node it had 9 fingers per fan leaf. Now on all the new leaves it has 10 and 12 fingers. I've never seen anything like it. Does this indicate a particular strain? Has anyone else seen this? Any comments would be nice.



Active Member
I get that funny little 'extra' leaf sometimes. I haven't noticed a pattern. I can say that clones from the same mom have grown it and others haven't so I'd doubt it has any signifigance. As far as i know there's no law that requires the plant to produce odd number of fingers.


Active Member
If it was coming from a clone I would say the mother was very mature. But it might be something to keep an eye on of course, and turn out to be a clone mother for yourself.
I had on a variety seed grow sever plant come up with a very flowing wide leaf pattern. I was a common trait in about four of twenty plants, and I couldn't wait try to save the gene. They all turned out to be males, growing never cease to amaze me.
Good luck, and they look great.


Well-Known Member
Probably just means your doing it right man. As for the extra leaf I don't know, 9 fingers by your 3 rd is very nice, I was pumped when I spied just 5 fingers on my third leaf.


Active Member
mutant. thats the random nature of genes. keep your eye on it, i saw a post on here where someone had little buds coming off the fan leaves where your mini-leaf is.


Well-Known Member
Just means it's going to be a producer I have a big bang throwing 12 and a og kush throwin 3 and 4 s and the kush is way stinkier


Well-Known Member
It's an indication of good genetics. Should be a strong & hardy plant. It's also a sign that she's happy of course. Piss her off and you'll know by the nuber of fingers on the leaf.

debs977, you should never pinch a leaf unless it's more than 50% dead. Leaves provide photosynthesis, the more the plant has, the more water, oxygen, CO2, and nutes it can break down in a given time period. If you have a thick canopy and you want light to shine through, just use some light LST to move the leaf to the side and open up your canopy. (tie one end of a string to the leaf, tie the other end to a hole you drilled in the planters rim, and use the string to move the leaf little by little)


Well-Known Member
When a plant laggs on throwing branches I supper crop to stimulate branch grwth .. You have less problems with ligh spectrum