10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?


Well-Known Member
Is 10,800 watts (18, 600 watt hps) too much to run at one location without drawing attention? Does anyone even notice / care if the bill gets paid and there isn't any other reason to suspect anything?

I know electric records can be looked at - I guess what I'm wonder is, do they have to be manually pulled, or does someone get notified after a certain level?


Well-Known Member
Computers look at the information and compare it to bills in the last year. A big spike will trigger a caution in the system and someone will have a look. The best way is to do it over a few months, not all at once. Yes they do care if you pay the bill, always be on time.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
if your biils paid, and u dont have a bunch of loud traffic around your grow, and u got your smell in check, and u have the scripts that show your doing this for the greater good. u wont get in trouble.
u might even get voted in as your town mayor.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Computers look at the information and compare it to bills in the last year. A big spike will trigger a caution in the system and someone will have a look. The best way is to do it over a few months, not all at once. Yes they do care if you pay the bill, always be on time.
who cares? u said yes they do care. who would that be?


Well-Known Member
just a guess but i think he meant the electric company. its somewhat true, a big spike might mean an error or something and may catch their attention.
that doesnt mean they'd suspect you were growing or going to report it to the police really though as long as youve got your security at 100% at all times.


Well-Known Member
10,800 watts?? Fuck yeah they will notice...
They will notice BIG TIME!!!!! Especially if you are in an apartment. Its enough of a jump to have them investigate to see if maybe someone is stealing your electricity and maybe even contact the police to investigate


Well-Known Member
If you are running that many lights you better be doing it in an industrial unit. Your going to need a good cover. Someone I know runs a industrial laundrette. If its in a house your going to have to steal that amount of power coz they will notice and the amount of fans your going to have to run to keep those temps down. Jesus. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Aren't there people who only use electric heat though?

That many lights you are talking like $350-400 / mo to run. Couldn't that also be for heating / cooling (probably more heating)?

I could see it being weird year round. Maybe have a second set of lights you only use in the winter?


If you are running that many lights you better be doing it in an industrial unit. Your going to need a good cover. Someone I know runs a industrial laundrette. If its in a house your going to have to steal that amount of power coz they will notice and the amount of fans your going to have to run to keep those temps down. Jesus. Good luck
In a sufficiently sized house with a garage you can just tell them you're running a auto/engine repair business out of your place and/or switched to electric heat. Then you pay the bill and all is happy. They're not going to investigate you any further than a phone call.

If you start stealing electricity however, that's another felony on top of what you're already concerned about, and it's pretty easy for the meter man to catch on to that one.


i run about 10,000 watt in the winter and my bill is about 1000 to 1200 every 2 months , its a 4 bedroom house , they called and asked after about 2 years and i told them im useing ele heat now instead of oil , they said fine not a problem they thought there was a mistake on there end , its now 4 yrs later


Well-Known Member
10k in a 4br home is pretty much the limit I'd do comfortably. How many houses with 6 bedrooms are rented to 6 college students, all with tv's, laptops, xboxes, leaving lights on all day and night, all the water for showers, laundry, etc....? LOTS! :)

Try to limit marijuana activity to 1/2 of the home/buildings rated service. =)


yup got to think 1 baseboard heater can be up around 4000 watts ! my buddy dont grow and he got a 4 bedroom and his bill is 900 every 2 months ..