$10,000 clone cut

But that is an interesting loop hole in Septic land for shipping to non legal states. I wasn't aware of it and just thought it must of been a high CBD low THC cultivar . So do people like Kevin Jodrey only deal with growers in his state or legal states? Guessing so. Strange law.
With all the social media hype, ig "influencers" and youtubers, I dont think it's that crazy. Of course I wouldnt pay for it , but I wouldn't be surprised if a Logan/Jake Paul type would. Flavors of the month ya know
I wouldn't pay a single dime for anything off that webpage. For that matter I wouldn't pay anyone anything for any clone. If it's something I wanted and I couldn't get a clone for free then I would just grow something else. I wouldn't bring a commercial clone into my grow ever.
At 10k you just paying for hype. I get dropping some bread on a known performer if you need consistency and don’t want to pheno hunt for your market, but at 10grand that mf better feed, harvest and trim itself. Especially in todays market, this ain’t the 90s.

Hype just like the Cosmic Crisp apple released a few years ago. They spent decades developing it and $10 million to market it. It was hyped up, made the news, all kinds of stuff. When it showed up in the stores most people found it to be just another apple. It was good but nothing special. Same thing with all these hyped up cannabis strains except most are just lucky pollen chucks and nothing special.

Get some decent seeds, make more, and grow weed. There's no need to pay ridiculous amounts of money for some clone.
Five hundred or a thousand dollars seems exorbitant for a clone. However the price seems much more reasonable when it's placed next to a ten thousand dollar clone.
Apprecilove the response. Is there a benefit to shipping without roots? The prices are ridiculous and the buyer has to root em, things done changed.
No real benefit other than quantity I guess. The one's I've seen , are 1 rooted or 3 unrooted cuts for the same price.