1 week old 4 inches?

My 5 plants are 7 days old, are all about 4 inches tall, and have 4 leaves currently "2 diamond leaves". Alright? Behind? Advanced? From your experience where am I on an average scale.

Growing Nirvana Skunk
just a simple grow light good soil and some plastic light reflectors. LOL Im very basic and have really no experience. sorry i probably sound stupid. how about your setup?
I dont have anyway of uploading them. sorry. 1 week old 4 inches 4 leaves if your an expert what else do you need? color is excellent no yellow brown light green or extremely dark green colors. height and leaves am i up to par?
kinda funny too though... they are truly about all stem. LOL but beautiful! hope i get at least one girl from them. you really think one of these will produce 500 grams of smokin fun? not good with calculations but thats over a POUND! WOW! very fun. what do you think about this?

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I dont have anyway of uploading them. sorry. 1 week old 4 inches 4 leaves if your an expert what else do you need? color is excellent no yellow brown light green or extremely dark green colors. height and leaves am i up to par?
I didn't clain to me an expert did i?

Four inches in the first weeks is good, as long as it's not lanky. Seedling are more than likely always nice and green as long as it's in a good medium.

Anyway like i said, you need to put pic's up to get an accurate anwser.
i apologize. i was not trying to ensult anyone at all. i just have no way of posting pics. i can tell you this they are sticking up straight as a string and spread like eagles wings. if i could wish for only 1 plant to grow on this earth it would be a no brainer! but i do not understand back in the 60s or so you could find this stuff growing along side the road with ease...why so difficult to maintain? is it all about the bud production or what?
if they're 4 inches tall and only have 2 serrated leaves they sound stretched to me.. what kind of simple grow light are you using?