1 week in


Active Member
One week in and my Early Girl x White Rhino babies are getting better, I fixed the stretching problem and they are just starting to get their second set of leaves, When is the right time to start them on nuits, 1/2 or even 1/4 strength?



Well-Known Member
You said you fixed the stretching problem. How?

As for nutes, Start on 1/4 after 2-3 weeks IF (and ONLY if) the soil you're using contains NO nutrients. Most potting soil comes pre-enriched with some nutrients. If yours does come with these pre-mixed into it, wait at least a month.


Active Member
Yeah it has some nutrients already so I guess I should hold off then, I just lowered my tubes to about an inch away from the leaves and they stopped reaching for it, I also put a fan on low and had it blowing on them to tough them up a bit.


Active Member
Just about 2 weeks in and Im down to three, took out the runt because he was wasting light. How are they doing so far?



Active Member
Hey guys, I have 6 seedlings about 1 week old. How often should I have a fan on to help strengthen the stem? All day every day? Or break it up like
the lighting schedule?



Active Member
I keep a fan on low about 6 inches away, 24 hrs a day. He was wasting light because I took him out of the box and put him under indivdual lights to help him catch up, It wasn't working, his leaves were messed up and discoloured and he wasn't growing right. Now that I think back to it, it's prob my fault, I helped take the seed off him when he was germing. Oh well, my other three are well off, so hopefully 1 or 2 of 'em are ladies.