1 week away from harvest and i really need a helping hand guys!


hiya. to put this briefly, i have two plants in my soil closet grow. both a week away from harvest (8 weeks flowering period 4 both). one is looking just fine bit of yellowing on leaves here n there but thats just the plant using the food stored, apart from that the leaves are pointing at a nice angle and the buds are looking very frosty. however, my other baby for the past 3 or 4 days has been looking a bit sad. there is some yellowing of the leaves, not as much as the other plant tho. Also the problem plant in question is blue widow and i would have thought it to be by this stage alot frostier! but the other plant (hash spice) seems to be much sparklier! Anyway the fan leaves on this one are curling downwards showing same signs as over watering! i have now ruled out over and under watering. my theory was that it might be down to nutrient lock out, as some of the curling leaves have small yellowish dots on them!
SO.... as i found this problem nearly a week ago now, since then i have only fed 1 litre of water (no nuts) each a day thinking this would slowly clense and flush the shit out of the soil, and i was going to do this up untill maybe 2 days before harvest, to give it time to dry out before all the cutting!
i really dont wana mess this end part up people! it would be alot of effort down the drain! so any GOOD advice from you more experienced growers, on whether im doing the right thing with this watering evryday and what you think might be my problem would be much appreciated. and please dont ask for pics, just give me your best theories and advice that you can muster without the pics!

thanks peepz


Well-Known Member
Chill man, if you are only a week away you will be fine. I think you are right, sounds like nut lock out due to Ph problems with the yellow spotting. A picture would really help though. Your best bet is to flush with Ph adjusted water, but you need to use way more water than you are using now. You need runoff to get rid of the salts in your soil. If 1 liter doesn't produce runoff then your aren't flushing anything. Give your plant twice the amount of clean, Ph adjusted water as the size of its container. Since its the last week you want to be flushing your plants anyway. With a good flush they will be just fine. If one is less frosty than the other, it could just be the strain - or that particular bean. Or, it might have needed a little more of a certain nutrient to maximize its potential. Only experience with the strain will tell you.


Well-Known Member
well as a plant nears the end of flowering it will turn some lower fan leaves brown and yellow thats normal. if i were you i would do anything anymore. you said a liter a day? everyday? i think that would be over watering. let the soil dry out a couple days and water when the soil is dry. you have a week. they call it weed cuz it is a weed. weeds dont take much attention to grow. water every 2 or 3 days instead and you should be fine