I love rich people. I work at a business where all the clients are wealthy or the truly wealthy. If it wasn't for them I'd be hard pressed to make ends meet. When the rich spend money they really spend it, they buy American made because it is generally better made. Not like most people here who buys their stuff from Wal-Mart and that China made crap. When they buy boats they are custom made here in the USA. Planes here in the USA.
The average truly wealthy has a household staff of about 5 to 10. The Mr. and Mrs. each have personal assistants. Each home is fully staffed with an estate manager, executive housekeeper, 1 to 3 housekeepers, a landscaper, a personal chef that travels. There is usually a pilot, and a majordomo to coordinate all the locations.
Personal assistants about $30-50k if they don't travel. $70-100 if they travel and are certified.
Estate manager-$60-120k Professional certification. might need to travel
Executive housekeeper $50k+ professional certification or great references. Might need to travel.
Personal chef -$50-90k depending on skill and type of training. Might need to travel
housekeeper $30-45k depending on experience and references. no travel
landscaper $30-50k depending on experience and ability with irrigation and drainage. no travel
majordomo $80=150k+ most definitely travel.
Pilot $90k
Plus, all the other things that they require like flower arrangements, golf course memberships and all those jobs, parties and all those things needed are rented, fancy cars and all those jobs, restaurants and all those tips and jobs, dry cleaning, laundry services, etc.
Thank goodness for wealthy people they pay my bills. The most important thing to remember is that they EARNED it by being up at 4:30 am to get things done before the real day starts and finish long after you are home and having dinner. They went to college and applied themselves. And most importantly they created industries and businesses that gives you a job.