1 spray that kills all?


i have a 4 week old plant outside and i didnt think i had a bug problem until i looked closely today. i noticed a web going from a leaf to the stem. i looked under the leaf and i saw 2 little white sacs. i dont no what bug it is...it could be spider mites? there is no damage to the plant yet, but i dont want to take any chances i want to go out and buy pesticide right away. how many different kinds of bugs are there that marijuana growers usually have problems with? can anyone give me ideas on what pesticides to buy? i prefer 1 spray bottle that kills all kinds of bugs.

Fallen Buckshot

Ive found that Bonide 3 in 1 Tomato/Veg insecticide miticide fugiside works pretty well and uses neem oil which is pretty safe on the plants and you


Active Member
where can I get this Fox Farms Product some damn worm/Catapillar has sowed the leaves together on my biggest healthiest plant and it is pissing me off I actually saw the little bastard he was tiny and was a tannish yellow with a black head sorry little bastard I don't want my leaves glued together again so I'm interested in this Fox Farms Don't bug me" stuff


Well-Known Member
Leaves rolled up in small webs is more like spider mites, not a single strand but they are our most common enemy and the hardest to get rid of.

You need a magnifying glass at least but a small scope is better, they're too small to see with the naked eye but you can see the webs and the speckles they leave. If it is spider mites I seriously suggest more than any 3 in 1 or neem oil based product. Avid or Floramite would be what you'd need in that case if you want any chance for the plants to make it all through harvest and you'd need to still apply it every 3 weeks except the last 3 before harvest. Some enterprising people are selling small vials on ebay, which is a hell of a lot more practical than the $200+ each quart costs normally and you only need a tiny bit for a few plants. That's how I got mine.

If you have nuisance bugs like catepillars that's one thing, but spider mites are like pirhanhas to a mj plant and just ruin everything in no time at all so google for some pictures and compare to be sure and always keep an eye out for their signs.


2 applications of Doctor Doom bug bomb: once a week apart and neemoil/water solution sprayed under and on leaves every 3 days.

I had a large infestion. Thousands of the mother fuckers all over the plants, eggs everywhere. The remedy above had me bug free in 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
You haven't had the misfortune of getting the super mites then, consider yourself lucky. It appears as though in many areas where there has been a long time high concentration of weed growing that we now have some very hardy spray resitant / bomb resitant mites. Pyrethrum they eat for breakfast, bub bombs are their idea of a nice spa day. And neem oil is even more useless against them.


Well-Known Member
you name it i have tried it , in the end got seriously pissed off with it all and brought avid , one hundred feckin quid later ( ouch ) and 1 quick dose and not a bug to be seen , not a singloe one , killed the friggin lot , 6 months later on an outdoor plant i found a couple so splash and once more the bastards are gone , so i cvould bore you to tears about seaweed concentrate and neem oil , perhaps soap or high co2 levels but avid is my new very best friend , just a thought


Well-Known Member
you name it i have tried it , in the end got seriously pissed off with it all and brought avid , one hundred feckin quid later ( ouch ) and 1 quick dose and not a bug to be seen , not a singloe one , killed the friggin lot , 6 months later on an outdoor plant i found a couple so splash and once more the bastards are gone , so i cvould bore you to tears about seaweed concentrate and neem oil , perhaps soap or high co2 levels but avid is my new very best friend , just a thought
Sounds convincing, can you recommend anything for mould or bud rot for soil growing?