1 seed in my female blue cheese


I was trimming my blue cheese and found a seed. Will this seed produce a plant like the one it came off of. Or will genetics not be exactly the same.

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
genetics will not be exactly the same because no 2 seeds are identical. There are an infinite amount of genotypes for a strain. the only way the plants would be identical is if you take a clone.


what color is the seed, any lines that look like dark veins? the answer is not exactly, but similar. the only way to get an exact replica would be to take a clone, which is obviously impossible now that ur plant has been harvested. every seed a mother plant produces has its own phenotype, so no, it will not be a verbatim copy of ur blue cheese plant.


genotype is the plants strain dna essentially, phenotype is the physical characteristics each genotype carries, i.e. the difference between a ten pack of seeds of the same strain, different tastes/grwoth tendencies bud site ratio etc.


I think I messed up by asking if it would be exactly the same. I actually meant similar. Or to be a bit more specific would it still be considered blue cheese

Chee Zee

yeah its still considerd blue cheese... im currently growing a seed i found in my last lot of bubble cheese and the plant that the seed came from is a beast! ive done it a few times and theyve always been a good replica of the plant it came from!

dont throw it away ;)