1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Hole is about 4 or 5 M squared. Soil I used was combo, of really good organic soil form nursery, and composted soil, top quality bagged soil.

Gottcha BB - coming soon, stay tuned ;)


Well-Known Member
heheh, yes They too were Mrs Big ( indica above)
Yes they were in same spot, yes I did drop off the face of RUI for about 1 yr.
Im, back :)
And heading to USA, in next few months to live.

How you been ?


Well-Known Member
Aahh Mrs Big now i remember,they were beauties,(ive also discovered the joy of indica doms this yr) hopefully my buds turn out half as good as them bitches.Got harvest pics of em (pushy aren't i?)

What on gods green earth has convinced u to leave the wonderful land of Oz? Cant fathom it myself.

Though med marra would be frickin sweet.


Well-Known Member
got it in one & mrs is from US.

I would have to dig them out for photos of last years, I dont think i got harvest photos, But between the 4 plant I ended up with 6 P


Well-Known Member
Mid West is a collection of 5 states, North of the country. Near Canadian border.

well lasts years crop lasted most of the year, and up untill end of winter :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet man,gettin near BC bud territory ay,u should go meet up with browndirt n u 2 could take over Canada haha.
So wat u produce u do need,u mind if i ask wats ur affliction? Not that u need to defend urself to anybody or anything,just curious.