1 pound indoor plant


Active Member
I am going for it. I have been slowly reducing my plant count to grow larger plants, but I am after a 1 pounder. I am vegging some Deadhead in a 15 gallon pot under a 400 mh 24/7. I am going to give it about 3 more weeks and throw her in my flower room. I have been getting about 3 to 4 zips per plant in 3.5 gallon pots. This plant is only 10 inches tall, more like a bush, I am trying to get an even canopy of nodes, and just keep bending shit over to keep it all even. Here is a couple of pics of her, and my current flower room.


Well-Known Member
Good luck! That would be a pretty good score under a 400. She's a good looking plant not quite sure if she's pound material though.


Well-Known Member
Good luck. That would be awesome! I have seen plants scrogged under 1000 watt bulbs yield 2 pounds! I've seen 250hps yields of 8 oz's. So with training, patience, I can see you hitting 12 oz's for sure. I think thats a great yield myself. I have a 400 that Im not using. Have been using 250 for last 2.5 years. Ive learned to be patient and longer veg cycle and lots of traning pay off in yield. I juat finished a RP Sour Kush in a 3.5 gallon pot, topped and 4way Lst'd. It ended up with 13 tops and yeilded 1/4 pound. It was a Sativa dom pheno so the buds are kind of airy. I always shoot for a qp per plant. Have my system dialed in to where Im hitting it pretty consistent.

You really want to learn how to get lots of yield from one plant, Look into scrogging. A great book is Secrets of the West Coast Masters. Look it up. its impressive. Guy has a mathimatical scrogging system that produces 64 tops that are all uniform and Weigh 1/4 oz per top, for a 2 lb plant. Its pretty cool. Once again, good luck on your endeavor
Thats looks Sick, I'm Looking for some Simple Guidance my friend, and you seem knowledgeable, I Live in a Residential house, so I want to get the best lighting system I can but I'm fearful of for Example 400 mh spiking my electric bill to where the cops reported or something, but i wanna know a average limit that i can use as far as equipment and the electric company wont snitch on me or am i just being to paranoid?

Also with your 1 pound setup your exploring, how many plants do you have going in your Flowering room to get your one pound per plant plan?


Active Member
Good luck! That would be a pretty good score under a 400. She's a good looking plant not quite sure if she's pound material though.
Cool thanks, I am vegging under a 400 mh, flowering under 600's. No she is not there, I need 3 or 4 weeks more of veg time.


Well-Known Member
With that extra veg time and flowering her under a 600, could very well get you your pound. Good luck man.


Active Member
Thats looks Sick, I'm Looking for some Simple Guidance my friend, and you seem knowledgeable, I Live in a Residential house, so I want to get the best lighting system I can but I'm fearful of for Example 400 mh spiking my electric bill to where the cops reported or something, but i wanna know a average limit that i can use as far as equipment and the electric company wont snitch on me or am i just being to paranoid?

Also with your 1 pound setup your exploring, how many plants do you have going in your Flowering room to get your one pound per plant plan?
I dont worry about cops because I am a legal grower(well in the eyes of the state), but a 400 hps or whatever is not going to make a large enough increase in your bill to garner attention. There could be lots of reasons for small increases in pwr consumption, more people in the house, new hot tub/sauna, i mean it could be anything. You are not going to get flagged for attention for that, especially if you always pay your bill on time. A 400 hps is only going to increase your bill by $20 or $25 per month.

A 1 pound plant takes a lot of training and patience, i would like to get to the point where I could rotate 3 constantly, but it will take time. Like I said i am using 15 gal pots and want to let the roots get really going, so a 2 month veg is required.
like he said im a new grower and just looking for advice and you seem to know wht your talking abt and i just started a new thread but i might as well find my answer from you lol
i heard that 100watt cfl dont do any good for the yield or potency any truth to that...is hps better bc i heard its great for vegging and cfl is better for flowering but idk
so is hps better for vegging? is cfl better for flowering? and do 100watt cfl really lower the yield and potency of plants?
one more thing should i try to mix up lighting or will that just confuse/shock my plant to the point it delays the vegging stage bc patience is power and i dont wanna have to wait for 4months im tryna make a 2-3,with 3 1/2 max b4 i harvest my babies but if you could check oput my grow journal and tell me anything and everything im doing wrong that would help me out


Active Member
I don't even use cfl's. I use a mh light for vegging/cloning/motherplants/seedlings, and I run it 24/7. For flowering I use hps. Now you can use cfl's for vegging, but for anything serious you need hps for flowering, you will not get large yeilds off cfl's, they are not strong enough and dont have the same light spectrum as hps. I have a friend who uses cfl's and he yeilds about a quarter dry. I wouldnt even bother, but I get 2 to 4 zips per plant on hps.
see thats the fucking info i need...experience is the best teacher lol but im running on 18/6 9-3am im turning the light on right now actually but
my next question is a serious one
i have one light on my three plants since i packed them together until i get more light but its been 1 week 1day exactly and they look a little better i'll put pics up in my journal tmrw but back to the question
since im using bs light now to get it going when im ready to transition from vegging to flowering can i make up for the light loss in vegging by putting powerful HPS in my flowering stage
thats the experiment im running right now...can i compensate and will it make a difference bc when my brother did his the same way im doing mine he got off a little over 5 oz but he was using nutes..im not just light and water and organic soil....should i change that and just use HPS but alot of CFL until i get the HPS


Active Member
see thats the fucking info i need...experience is the best teacher lol but im running on 18/6 9-3am im turning the light on right now actually but
my next question is a serious one
i have one light on my three plants since i packed them together until i get more light but its been 1 week 1day exactly and they look a little better i'll put pics up in my journal tmrw but back to the question
since im using bs light now to get it going when im ready to transition from vegging to flowering can i make up for the light loss in vegging by putting powerful HPS in my flowering stage
thats the experiment im running right now...can i compensate and will it make a difference bc when my brother did his the same way im doing mine he got off a little over 5 oz but he was using nutes..im not just light and water and organic soil....should i change that and just use HPS but alot of CFL until i get the HPS
You can't make up any difference of the state of your plants when they go into flower. In other words they are going to flower and grow from the point you change the lights to 12/12 and the bigger they are at that point, the bigger they will continue to be. So you want them at least 2 feet tall with a pretty thick stalk and alternating nodes when you go into flower.

If you have an hps light use it now in veg and it will bulk up your plants faster. I like my mh light on in veg 24/7 because IMO I think it grows plants faster.

As far as nutes, you will need them in flower. I like Botanicare, they have a formula for veg, and a fruit & flower formula. Also I use cal-mag and Liquid Karma(a growth stimulant), all Botanicare, organic nutes, you mix with your water. In flower I add nutes in every other watering. Make sure you flush your plants (water only) for the last 2 weeks of flower.

mh= metal halides or w.e. the spelling may be..i thought those were one of the worst to use too but thats good any advice on to get my stalk bigger bc lmfaoo i just watered and it nearly wiped out my trainwreck when the water came crashing i hhad to put more soil up the stalk to keep it steady...everyone says use a fan but i used one for a day and i know thats not enought but idont think the fan was doing anything plus it couldnt reach all three of em anyway


South Texas

Well-Known Member
What the plants want... is 72,000 lumens (the Sun). A 1,000 watt would be nice, air cooled, 3" from the top. 23 hrs per day. Folier feed (liquid seaweed & molasses) & water in the off hour.
i dont think ppl stress the importance of flushing and i have three plants so i can see what the big fuss is abt one thing or another and still end up with good bud
but in the vegging stage do they need more N-P-K (which one do they need more...for vegging/flowering)
i wanna try n stay away from the none organic stuff


Active Member
mh= metal halides or w.e. the spelling may be..i thought those were one of the worst to use too but thats good any advice on to get my stalk bigger bc lmfaoo i just watered and it nearly wiped out my trainwreck when the water came crashing i hhad to put more soil up the stalk to keep it steady...everyone says use a fan but i used one for a day and i know thats not enought but idont think the fan was doing anything plus it couldnt reach all three of em anyway
Be careful about over watering, although clay pots dry up fast. I dont water my veg plants until they start to droop a little. i used to over water, and wondered why my plants color didnt look right, then i just stopped watering in veg until they showed signs of needing it. Now my veg plants are a rich dark green. When you hit flower you will want to use a watering pattern like every other day, but it can vary, I use a moisture stick.

MH lights are the best for veg and are very bright, I think a 400 mh puts off like 35,000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
mh= metal halides or w.e. the spelling may be..i thought those were one of the worst to use too but thats good any advice on to get my stalk bigger bc lmfaoo i just watered and it nearly wiped out my trainwreck when the water came crashing i hhad to put more soil up the stalk to keep it steady...everyone says use a fan but i used one for a day and i know thats not enought but idont think the fan was doing anything plus it couldnt reach all three of em anyway
Yes leave the fan in them, it will strengthen them up. Also, look into dynagro protekt. Its potassium silicate. It makes your stalks and stems bigger and wards off fungus/disease/ burrowing insects.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I ordered from Growers Supply. Check it out. Also, in the construction world, high $ lites are demoed out. Befriend a cool Electrian, $20 a lite, or a little zip bag.


Active Member
It can be done!
We have come close in the past with "moms" that were vegged 3-4 months in 15 gallon totes-- and we know someone now that vegges for 3 months (after the clones are well established) in 15-gallon smart pots who gets 14-18oz perplant under 1000w (each plant)
And there is the equation-- bigger root-mass, more light,and longer veg time.. the longer you veg in a bigger container with the most light available- the more it can produce.
That is one reason they are so much bigger outdoors- unlimited root space, long veg season...and sunlight. Can't do the sunlight part indoors- but the more light you can give it (and wide spectrum as well!) the better they'll do!

WIll be following ya on this one! Good Luck! ;)