1 plant out of 3 looking sick (Hydroponics)


Active Member
I currently have 3 plants started from seed, in a 4x4 flood table, and one of them is turning yellow. The roots look okay, the other two plants look great, just one is looking sick. I am not sure how to approach this as the all of the plants are getting identical feeding time and nutrition. Is it possible that this one is just maturing faster than the rest?

I will post pics soon.


Active Member
Cant say much without more info or pictures. Are you sure its a deficiency and not over feeding? Do you know what the deficiency is that it is showing? When in doubt flush and start again but pictures will most likely bring you a better answer. I dont think its maturing faster. Is the plant thats showing the furthest or the closest to the drain or incoming water? Does that side of the table drain slower or faster?


Active Member

The strain is a cross between Grand Daddy Purple and Larry OG. I did notice that first they lighten up, turn yellow, get purple in the center, then start to crisp and die one finger at a time until the leaf is dead.


Active Member
It is the same distance from the drain as the other (healthy) plant. There are two lights in the setup, and everything is pretty symmetrical. There is definitely burn on this plant, but what is so strange is how perky the other plants in the cabin are.


Active Member
I dont know for sure thats a tough one but it looks pretty far in to me, How long it been on 12 12? maybe the plant is just finishing off. Anything purple usually has something to do with phosphorus but you said GD purple so that could be natural. My money is on phosphorus deficiency tho. If you are nearing the end your probably going to flush plain anyways.


Active Member
I dont know for sure thats a tough one but it looks pretty far in to me, How long it been on 12 12? maybe the plant is just finishing off. Anything purple usually has something to do with phosphorus but you said GD purple so that could be natural. My money is on phosphorus deficiency tho. If you are nearing the end your probably going to flush plain anyways.
Yeah, I am pretty far in (8 weeks). I was thinking it might be finishing earlier than the others as well, but wasn't sure. I was planning on running another 2 weeks of nutes and then flush, but this one might get chopped a little early, I guess. I guess its time to figure out a way to flush this one while still feeding the others.


Active Member
both the strains you crossed are around 8 week strains. You should of flushed a little earlier imho. dont try to seperate just flush them all for a week the chop. The plants will just use their stored nutes to finish and start to die off like the one that looks sick. You dont want nutrients in your smoke and ruin what great taste the plants have to offer. Dont worry if the trics haven't ambered up that much on 1 or 2 of your plants. My buddy grew larry og and they just will keep producing new trics for awhile. good job though. Looks tasty.


Active Member
I was hesitant to flush yet because the trichomes are only now becoming cloudy. The other plant still has mostly crystal clear trichomes. Does flushing cause the trichomes to mature faster?